Saturday, March 23, 2013

Nothing Informative about Thursday Night’s Port Monmouth Flood Project Meeting

Thursday night’s Port Monmouth Flood Project meeting which was held at the Port Monmouth's VFW post 2179, was an embarrassment.

What was billed as a non-political meeting to inform, discuss, and update Port Monmouth residents about the long proposed Port Monmouth Flood Project and how the project would prevent widespread flooding from ever happening again, turned ugly when residents became unruly when they realized that they weren’t there to ask question or discuss what can or would be done to help them rebuild their homes and lives after Superstorm Sandy, rather they were there to sign a petition! A petition I would say, designed to hold Congressman Frank Pallone responsible for all the flooding that has taken place in Port Monmouth since 1991 if congressional funds were not secured for the flood project that has been in planning stages for years.

(photo from Middletown Patch)
Honestly, this meeting seemed more like a Middletown Republican campaign rally designed to bash Congressman Pallone (who last week held a “telephone town hall” meeting with 400 Port Monmouth residents to discuss how $91 million of Hurricane Sandy relief funds had been secured from Congress to finally, fully implement the Port Monmouth Flood project) rather than a simple information session designed to inform residents of what can be done to help the neighborhoods of Port Monmouth affected by the storm.

The meeting was put together by Cathy Rogers, a GOP County Committee person for her district in Port Monmouth and whose husband happens to be Charlie Rogers, Middletown’s Office of Emergency Management director. Also in attendance were Middletown’s former mayor, Committeeman Tony Fiore, Committeeman Kevin Senttembrino, Committeewoman Stephanie Murray, Assemblywoman Amy Handlin and Monmouth County Freeholder John Curley.

Rogers opened the show by telling everyone how she, herself had experienced flooding in the past and how she had worked so hard over the years to see that flooding issues in Port Monmouth were addressed by the township (which never happened). She than passed her microphone to a representative from Congressman Pallone’s office (Pallone couldn’t attend, he was required to be in Congress this day for an upcoming vote), who read a prepared statement outlining the scope of the flood project and time frame for its implementation. The microphone was then handed back to Rogers, who went on to stated that she had spoken to Congressman Pallone and would believe what she heard from him, when she saw the work beginning. She said even though this meeting was NOT political, she wanted to stressed that it was extremely important to hold the congressman’s feet to the fire, in order to make sure that the $91 million was released and the work begun (which brought cheers from some of those in attendance and cat-calls from others, for Pallone to be thrown out of office if work doesn’t start soon). Cathy Rogers then handed off the microphone to other officials for comments.

Tony Fiore spoke about how he had worked tirelessly (a vast overstatement) on the issue during his time on the township committee and as mayor, stating how he had went down to Washington DC a couple of times to lobby lawmakers for help in securing funds to alleviate the flooding problems. Assemblywoman Handlin talked about how she also spoke with Congressman Pallone prior to the meeting and expressed her frustration with him for not doing more to secure funds for this project in his previous 20+ years in congress. When Freeholder Curley finally commandeered the microphone, he nearly turned the meeting into a frenzied TEA Party rally! Curley raised his voice and said how he was there to fight for them, the residents of Port Monmouth, and couldn’t fathom how billions of dollars a year in foreign aid could be sent overseas to places in Europe, the Middle-East and Africa with little regard to taking care of Americans first. This of course brought further hoots and howls from the audience and quickly degenerated into calls for Pallone’s ouster if the flood project did not proceed as promised.

At this point Cathy Rogers took back the microphone, amid shouted out questions that went unanswered and calls for further help and explanations as to what people are supposed to do with their lives and homes, she decided that the meeting had gone on long enough ( less than an hour) and was over. But before encouraging audience members to sign her petition and then come up and talk to the invited officials in attendance, she thanked everyone for coming out and once again stated that the purpose of meeting was not to be political, BUT if... if, Frank Pallone didn’t come through on the funding as promised this time, she would make it so!

So much for the night being non-political.

There’s a lot that can be said about Thursday night which I won’t get into at this time but in my opinion, this event was nothing but political and was designed to insight the already frustrated and desperate residents who lost so much during and after Hurricane Sandy. To constantly say that the meeting was non-political and then proceed to bash Frank Pallone as being ineffectual, a due nothing and worthless member of Congress, who doesn’t care about Middletown or its residents - all the while, touting the many things that you and others have done (which in itself is both debatable and laughable) to bring about a resolution to the area’s flood issues is pathetic.

And it wasn’t just me or the people that I met there that thought so.

As I was walking out of the Port Monmouth VFW, I heard other groups of people who were frustrated and huddled together, talking amongst themselves and expressing the same sentiments. They thought that they were there to discuss their problems with township officials regarding assistance with issues related to rebuilding their homes, along with what township could do to help alleviate some of the flooding that is currently ongoing due to clogged drainage pipes and flood gates that don’t work properly.

Instead they attended a pep-rally that called for Congressman Pallone’s head if progress wasn’t made to end the flooding in Port Monmouth.


Anonymous said...

If the Pt. Monmouth project was not partially funded, the ACE would not even consider doing the project. That was the criteria for the ACE to prioritize flod relief projects. Cudos to Pallone for "squirreling" away funds over the years to get this finally done. We will be dry soon. Not soon enough, but it is about time.

Anonymous said...

If the army corp is heading up this project and is funding it, why isnt the petition going to them to tell them to release the money?

Lived here long enough to have seen it all said...

Everything in this town is about politics....sick republican politics and politicians !!

Throw all those nitwits out of office including the never do anything constructive Assemblywoman and Middletown could be a better, and fairer place to live !! They are all BS artists !! Talk and bullying !1

Anonymous said...

The heads that should be had are not Frank Pallone's, it's the committee people and the Assemblywoman (who started as a committee person In Middletown) who have a served in Middletown for the last thirty years,the republican majority here in this town. The only time they go to the Bayshore is when they need votes, just like they lie to the residents of Shadow Lake, year after year after year at election time. NOTHING NEW.
John Curley should really know better if he believes the fabrications from this bunch of fibbers.

Anonymous said...

So we are not sending our hard earned money to countries where they burn our flag? We need to start taking care of the people of the USA, first then try to help others.

Anonymous said...

Since when does the US foreign policies have anything to do with flood control in Port Monmouth? Are you as delusional as Mrs Rogers and her entourage of republican dumbos,anon 7:52 p.m. ??

It's about time the Middletown Republicans did the job they were elected to do and stop the outright incompetence,lies and excuses !!

The buck stops here guys and the money problems in Washington are caused by THE REPUBLICANS ALSO so smell the coffee . The blame game doesn't work anymore and neither will a thumb in the dike when it storms.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Freeholder Lillian Burry and also former TC member Pat Short try to help the people of the Bayshore in recent years ?

MiddletownMike said...

Burry, not to my knowledge. Short, yes he did.

Short held a number of meeting with residents who live along Monmouth ave. and its vicinity. They came up with a plan to improve the drainage, fix flood gates and install a pump station. With help from Sean Byrnes they were able to get much of the work approved however, since neither no long sit on the Township Committee much (not all) of their work has been disregarded and the plans for a pump station has been scrapped.

Anonymous said...

Burry voiced objections to the new requirement for North Middletown residents to have flood insurance. They still have to have flood insurance even though they did not have flooding during Sandy.
Pat Short actually introduced a plan to prevent tidal flooding in neighborhoods of Pt. Monmouth and a scaled back version was actually constructed.
The Army Corps has a plan that will keep Pt. Monmouth dry, as North Middletown is. This will be constructed thanks to the efforts Congressman Pallone has put forth over the years by obtaining some of the funds to keep the project alive.

Unknown said...

are you serious people? Frank pallone has been in office as long as this project has been on the table and as of march 25 2013 ZERO funds have been spent on this. It's all smke and mirrors and you jerks are still supporting him? This is whats wrong with our country. This guy is totally ineffective and should step down. Pallone could have fundded this project when Obama sent a 5 trillion dollar budget four years ago but it wasn't and now you people want to blame frank pallone who is a dem in office sice 1988 and has done ZERO for port monmouth and that a fact

Unknown said...

Frank pallone has failed port monmouth and that's a fact...Why are you people trying to make this into a repub dem issue. this is about frank pallone's failure to secure funding for this project that has been on the table for 20 years. this man is totally ineffective and should step down and it's sad to see people supporting him for doing nothing

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:13,

Are you dillusional, these are federal funds being used for BOTH. So instead of spending the FEDERAL money to help US citizens, the folks in DC choose to help countries that burn our flag and hate us. Pallone just happens to be the congressman that represents Middletown, so how is it not partially his fault for not acting on this?

MiddletownMike said...

Over the years Frank Pallone has been able to secure several million dollars for this project through various appropriations. As a previous commentator pointed out, if Pallone hadn't been able to do that the Army Corp of Engineers would not have devised the plans for the project or have made it a top priority now that the full funding has been secured by Pallone.

Frank Pallone was elected midway thru the 100th congress to replace Rep James Howard who had died, we have now just entered into the beginning of the 113th Congress. During this time the Republican party has controlled the House of Representatives for 8 terms and the Democrats 6, 4 of which were very early in Pallone's congressional career when his influence was not as great as it is now.

So to criticize Pallone for being ineffectual is misguided. As his influence in congress has grown, so to has his ability to "bring home the bacon".

MiddletownMike said...

Less than 1% of the Federal budget is given in foreign aid each year. Much of that aid goes to countries that the government has determined to be in our nation's best interests, I don't always agree with it, but i also don't pretend to understand all the reasons behind it either.

Anonymous said...

That's alwfully honest of you mike!

Anonymous said...

Was Frank Pallone the person who issued the building permits for hundreds of houses in PoMo in the middle of Crow Weeds? Permits were not allowed in the 70s - does anyone remember the political party in charge at that time? Soon after, there was a new group running the show and all along the bay shore, undersized lots were being over used and the little ground available to soak up the water was gone. Now is the time for the town to buy up some of these lots. And they don't have to make a park out of them - just leave them as open space to do what nature needs in every neighborhood - a place for excess run off water. That and the flood project can make a difference. Middletown reps should take responsibility for making bad decisions for the past 30+ years. Once they admit they've wronged, it will be easier to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:23 pm

You're absolutely correct
not every lot is suitable for building and not every lot can accommodate being built out to maximum lot coverage, especially in the bayshore areas. In the bayshore we get a double whammy, stormwater at one end and tidal at the other. Try as they might these so called localized flooding issues or poor drainage issues as they are sometimes referred to don't resolve themselves. They get worse over time. This creates hardships on all of us. The residents who live in the immediate areas, the taxpayers for the cost of drainage improvements and upkeep and yes in many instances the TC and employees are the subject of our frustration when year after year conditions worsen and nothing gets done to alleviate the flooding problems. Just a thought but if you want to improve quality of life perhaps it's time to eliminate "advisory" as it pertains to the Environmental Commission. Give them some teeth to work with.

Anonymous said...

The truth is something representation in Middletown has a great problem with. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't hold your breath waiting.......

Frank Pallone was not even in office in the early 70's !!! Believe James Howard represented this district then ) Find another scapegoat and you DO NOT HAVE TO LOOK FAR......The Republican majority on the TC over these last thirty+ years !

Remember the TC has bought useless parcels of land from their cronies consistently over the years. Maybe it's about time to buy them for a good use.

Anonymous said...

buying out houses will raise taxes. Less rateables to spread the tax burden over will raise taxes and then your gang will blame the repub's for that too. You guys are real piece of work. Cry that taxes are too high, then propose programs that will, without a doubt raise the very taxes you complain about! You are better off going to the Gov and ask him to use the funds to buy historically flood prone properties!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, anon 11:33, then what about all the abuses by this TC that benefited members like Sharfy and some of his other compadres ??? WHAT ABOUT THAT, didn't that raise taxes when that one was done and sanctioned by the then deputy mayor. We seem to suffer that crap without complaint!

How about some rationality and TRUTH for a change.

Buy out the destroyed houses with state grants and bond the rest like they do everything else when it suits their fancy or their wallets.

Anonymous said...

One of the major reasons the flooding is so bad in the Bayshore is all of the wetlands that were filled for the ferry terminal and parking lot. The tc gave a lot of land to the county who then built the ferry terminal. Ever since then the flooding has been worse and more frequent. But I seem to remember that one tc member, Ray O'greedy purchased two of the Hovnanian condos that were built. Hov had so much interest in people buying them they held a lottery to get the chance to buy one, and ray was lucky enough to win twice. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Democrats have promoted flood control along the bayshore for 35 years and Republicans have prevented it from happening for 35 years. Now the money is available and they are making all kind of noise promoting a time agenda that will not happen so they can create some kind of fault with the program. And Fiore and Curly and Handlin are doing everything they can to unduly claim credit for something they failed to support.

Anonymous said...

Does that surprise anyone. Fiore is a big mouth and an empty suit, Handlin is useless and just a do nothing politician who comes out of the woodwork at election time . Curley should do the job he has in Freehold. Hooking up with Fiore and Handlin just diminishes his stature if he has any.

With all this pay-to-play trouble and the Birdsall indictments, all these politicians should mind their p's & q's because you never know who will be arrested next. Judge Lawson locked up all the Birdsall assets also.

Hurrah, justice finally at work and maybe these characters that make money at the public trough will finally get free lodging (in jail ) for their efforts at the people's expense. The last one too big for his britches to learn that crime does not pay was Peter Burnham,the BCC president.