Monday, March 18, 2013

3-4-13 Middletown Township Committee Meeting

Here is the video from the March 4th,2013 workshop meeting of the Middletown Township Committee. I'm a bit late in posting this meeting, see how tonight is the regularly scheduled business meeting of the Township Committee, but better late than never I always say and if you intend to make it out to tonight's meeting, then you can prepare yourself buy watching this video so that everything is fresh in your head.

This workshop meeting was brief, it lasted only 30 minutes.

There was some discussion this night regarding a Hazard Mitigation Grant that the Township will be applying for in order to assist Hurricane Sandy victims. It was said funds would not be available for 12-18 months.

Since it looks like Shadow Lake will never be dredged, a plan to rake vegetation from the lake and treat it with herbicides was proposed. Although this has been done in years past, its' effectiveness could not be stated.

It was announced that the ordinance which was introduced in January to regulate building heights in flood prone areas will be modified to conform to the State law and reintroduced for adoption at tonight's meeting (3/18/13).

Committee members had no comments, except for the mayor who had many social events to report on.

As always, you can download a copy of the meeting agenda that contains the discussion items and the proposed resolutions and ordinances that were voted on or presented during the meeting. A box around an item is a link, bringing you further into the document to that resolution or ordinance. At the end of the resolution there will be a link bringing you back to the agenda. Attached to this agenda is also the monthly bill list, so that everyone can see how the Township is spending our tax dollars

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