Wednesday, November 7, 2012


President Obama won reelection last night with a decisive victory - he won by a landslide in electoral votes and with 50% of the popular vote and had the coat tails to pick up a few new seats in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate - but  it's not time to gloat. It's time to move forward and look towards the future, to get this country moving again and working for average Americans.

For those who have opposed President Obama and his policies since his first days in office, enough now with all the birther, socialist, communist, fascist, wealth redistributing, Muslim, atheist, American hating, he's not one of us, nonsense; it's time to work towards a common goal. In his first 4 years in office, Obama extended so many olive branches that the tree had none left.

Remember, it was the Republican Tea partiers and extremists in Congress that rebuffed his every overture in order to make him a "1 term President".

Now let's get things accomplished!


Anonymous said...

Of course Obama is not foreign born, Muslim, atheist, American hating, not one of us, etc.

That said, saying that Obama is for wealth distribution is certainly NOT nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:59,


Your party LOST !!!

Time to help govern now and not MOAN and GROAN like a little snot nose kid when you don't get your own way !!!

Until then.....we don't want to hear the "SOUR GRAPES"....