Friday, July 6, 2012

Joe Caliendo Stepping Down As Middletown Dems Leader

Middletown Democratic Leader Joe Caliendo, announced last week that he was stepping down as Chairman of the Middletown Democratic Party to members of Middletown's Executive Committee.
Chairman Joe Caliendo

It came as a shock to the 50 or so members of the Executive Committee that were in attendance, he was just reappointed on June 11th as Chairman at the Executive Committee's Reorganization meeting.

Joe stated that after some very hard thinking and input from family members, he wasn't getting any younger (78 years old) and with a series of  health issues starting to plague him and a desire to spend more time with family he decided to step down.

Caliendo asked me to wait until he sent out his official resignation letter to Middletown's County Committee members before making the announcement:

" Dear County Committee,
After many hours of thoughtful consideration, I have decided that it is time for a change of the guard. The guard I refer to is the position of Middletown Democratic Party Chairman. I am announcing with this letter that I will be stepping down from this position effective with the election of a new chairman.
I have had the privilege of being Party Chair for 25 years. Over this time I have had the opportunity to meet and amazing group of dedicated and caring people. These people have worked with me to  further the principles of the Democratic Party. They have struggled with me to elect a reasoned voice here in Middletown that takes into consideration the needs of all our residents. These people include you, and your commitment has made it a very difficult decision to step down as Chairman.
I will continue to fight as a committeeman in my district to elect a Democratic Township Committee. We have an incredible team of enthusiastic and committed citizens here to help reach that goal. Future guidance for success will now be in the hands of the next Party Chairman.
As Sergeant-At-Arms of the Monmouth County Democrats, I will be working to get candidates elected on the County level.
It has been a rewarding journey and I thank you for all of the extraordinary memories!
Joseph P. Caliendo "

There will be a special election of the Middletown Democratic Executive Committee to be held on July 18th, to elect a new Chairman. At this time there has been no announcement as to whom would be interested in succeeding Joe Caliendo as Chairman.

I know that I speak for all of Middletown's Democratic Committee members when I say that "I wish him well".

He has given his blood, sweat and tears to the Party for nearly fifty years as both a Monmouth County Committee member and Chairman of the Middletown Democrats.


Anonymous said...

Joe is not going far. He will still be a member of the Executive Committee, representing his voting district. Joe was also re-elected as Sergeant-At-Arms of the County Democratic Party.

Anonymous said...

On behalf of myself and all Middletown Republicans, Chairman Caliendo will be sorely missed. I wish his successor all of the success that Joe had as chairman.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes, Joe.

Independent Voice said...

Anon are a condescending,sarcastic SOB !!

Same ole.same ole,from the scum that comprises the majority of Middletown Republican party.

Anonymous said...

Many of you were not around long enough to remember that while Caliendo was Chairman Middletown was controlled by Democrats on the Township Committee. This can happen again if people wake up and take notice.

Anonymous said...

Given that it's about time for the residents of this town to wake up and smell the coffee, perhaps change in the political climate in this community is coming. That will not happen soon enough for this poster.

BTW not a Democrat but believe bi= partisan government is healthier than what we have today. MUCH healthier by far than the Carton- Nelson robots currently serving....