Monday, January 16, 2012


by guest blogger Linda Baum

Quote of the day goes to Brock Siebert, who, when asked when he knew he’d been appointed as a Library trustee by the Township Committee, replied, “When they asked me.” I think that confirms that the Township does not require the submission of a board membership application as a pre-requisite for appointment. In fact, I checked. There is no application for Mr. Siebert on file with the Township.

In Kevin Penton’s 1/2/12 APP article “Advocate is not reappointed” about the dwindling membership on the Middletown Human Rights Commission (MHRC), Mayor Tony Fiore is quoted as saying he is unaware of any other Township resident who had expressed an interest in serving on the Commission, besides Dr. Schwebel, whose term expired at the end of 2011. Fiore is implying that a lack of willing candidates is the reason no appointments were made. However, as Brock Siebert’s appointment to the Library Board demonstrates, the Township will seek out candidates who haven’t necessarily expressed an interest in appointment. So Mr. Fiore’s excuse about the MHRC vacancies doesn’t fly. In fact, Dr. Schwebel knows at least one other person who applied but never received a response.

If you would like to see the MHRC survive and are interested in serving, you can find the board membership application..... Here

You may not hear back from the Township, but at least Mayor Fiore can’t say he didn’t know you were interested.


Legion said...

The appointments are theirs to make.

Elections have consequences.

That's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

to the first commenter:

But they haven't made any appointments to the human rights commission. I don't think voters support eliminating it, so please stop implying we are somehow responsible. It's offensive to reasonable people.

Anonymous said...

Legion, Is that the best way to effectivly manage a town?
I would think you would want the best people no matter what party they belong to.
Based on the appointments Gov. Christie has made, even he sees that.
This is all about having complete control.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:25 Ditto

Anonymous said...

Needed to be repeated-

"The appointments are theirs to make.

Elections have consequences.

That's just the way it is."

Legion said...

Except, of course, that my comment had nothing at all to do with the Human Rights Commission and everything to do Ms. Baum's compliant that "the Township does not require the submission of a board membership application as a pre-requisite for appointment."

Like I've said, no matter how they make their decisions on who to appoint - whether someone submits an application or is recruited - the appointments are the TC's to make as they see fit, period. They obviously believe that they are making the appropriate, responsible appointments.

And yes, Anon at 10:25, the voters ARE responsible. The TC apparently hasn't appointed new members to the HRC for years now, giving the voters a great deal of time to express their concern by raising the issue and/or by voting for candidates who would appoint members.

I don't recall that TC candidates over the past several years have even raised the issue at all.

If the TC wants to eliminate the HRC - and I have no way of knowing if they do except that it seems apparent that they are not appointing new members - they are doing so with the trust of the voters in running the township.

Elections have consequences.

Anonymous said...

So to explain the article: (for those bullies who don't have their reading glasses on)
The TC sought after Brock Siebert as a Library Trustee
The TC didn't seek someone to be on the Commission of the MHRC

In other words the TC can do whatever the f they please. "Elections have consequences" blah blah

Pretty fishy

Anonymous said...

I love this one.
Legion says "The appointments are theirs to make....that's the way it is"
Then in a previous blog, he gets his panties in a ruffle because he thinks MM didn't post one of his "priceless" comments. Well Mr. Legion your post didn't make the cut, maybe THAT'S the way it is! lol

For the record, I (we) know you post all comments. I do know the identity of 'Mr. Legion' & I do believe he was a schoolyard bully.

Anonymous said...


A generous contribution to your local Republican party and perhaps a name change, and you too will find yourself amply "qualified" for just about any appointed position in Middletown.

Anonymous said...

Legion 3:57 PM,
Because the committee believes they are making the best possible appointments doesn't mean that they are making even good appoinments. The committee is required to understand and executue the will of the people not just the will of those that elected them. Although the committee apears to do what they want to do and what they are told to do by Republican Party leadership.

Anonymous said...

Just another example of the township committee operating without any consistently practiced policy and procedure that is non-partisian and published.

Anonymous said...

Government in this town is "fishy". It stinks to high heaven !!

Rotten to the core.

Anonymous said...


No article yet on the latest library board meeting???

Heard it was pretty interesting.

MiddletownMike said...

It's coming

Anonymous said...

Come on Linda, almost 4 days have gone by. I want to know what went on down there with these new guys...