Monday, December 26, 2011

Dec 19th Hearing on the Ordinance Adding Two Additional Trustees to the Library Board: M'town Patch & Independent articles contain inaccuracies

By guest blogger Linda Baum

If you are a regular to Mike’s blog, by now you are well informed about the Library’s $500,000 transfer to the Township this year and the Town Committee’s plan to increase the number of Library trustees from 7 to 9 in 2012.

A public hearing on the Ordinance increasing Board membership was held at the Town Committee meeting on Monday, December 19th. Several reporters were present at the hearing. Mike Davis’s article in the Independent and Sue Morgan’s in the Middletown Patch were posted within a day or two. While they get points for timeliness, they lose some for accuracy.

Sue Morgan misstates the amount of the Library’s annual budget as $700K – it is $3.7M – but that is a minor error compared to the second to last sentence of her article. She wrote:

“Under an agreement hammered out by both the board and the committee, the township is now carrying the debt service on the library’s parking lot which recently underwent extensive repairs, the mayor added.”

The statement is inaccurate in two ways. As far as I know, there was no major work done to the lot recently, and the Library did not proceed with its lot expansion. Further, per the agreement this year between the Library and the Township, the Library has only two options for covering the cost of its capital improvements – they can pay cash or they can make the debt service payments on bonds (or notes) issued by the Township.

I don’t recall Mayor Fiore making the statement as it reads in the Patch article, and I think it can be attributed to an intentionally misleading comment he made, as quoted in the Independent, about encompassing “some of [the Library’s] capital projects into [the Township’s] capital program, including their parking lot and solar projects.” That made it sound like the Township is paying, but there is no cost to the Township for either the lot expansion or the solar project, which is a power purchase arrangement that involves no capital outlay.

Both the Independent and Patch articles included comments made by both Melanie Elmiger and myself. Melanie presented her comments very well at the hearing and I think they were captured fairly accurately in the articles. However, I think some of what I said was misrepresented in the Independent.

I would like to set the record straight, so here is a recap of my comments at the hearing along with excerpts from the Independent where I feel Mike Davis missed the mark.

Mayor Fiore has been framing the increase in Library Board membership as just an increase in public participation, with no other motive. So if more participation is a good thing for the Library Board, I questioned why that isn’t also true for the Sewerage Authority (TOMSA) Board and for the Town Committee itself, both with just 5 members each controlling budgets of $9 million and $60 million, respectively. In contrast, the Library Board currently has 7 members, soon to be 9, overseeing a budget of $3.7 million.

My point was that the Town Committee’s stance about the need for more public participation on the Library Board runs counter to their stance about the participation levels on other boards & committees. (Keep in mind the Town Committee has resisted the formation of a finance committee that would increase public participation and oversight of its own activities.)

Mayor Fiore replied that TOMSA has 7 board members, and I was quick to correct him that it is a 5-member board with 2 alternates, where only 5 vote at any time. Fiore again insisted, incorrectly, that there are 7 members.

Besides the inconsistencies in board size, there are also inconsistencies in oversight. I compared the Township’s scrutiny of the Library’s budget and operations to its hands-off approach to TOMSA and said that a consistent policy was needed. Fiore said that they do oversee TOMSA and that the money TOMSA gave to the Township – $730K over the last two years – is proof of that. Ridiculous. As I see it, that handout could just as easily be interpreted as a concession to avoid scrutiny. Regardless, it certainly can’t be construed as proof of oversight.

(An aside: If the Town Committee is really overseeing TOMSA and is so gung ho about public participation, how is it the TOMSA Board was able to avoid the public’s eye recently by ignoring a legal mandate to publish notice of their budget hearing? And shouldn’t oversight of TOMSA’s budget entail elimination of unwarranted expenses, such as medical and pension benefits for Board members? The Township has sanctioned these costs!)

Mike Davis’s article contains some partial quotes, inaccuracies, and re-ordering of comments that, combined, miss the point I was trying to make. He describes my comments as follows:

“Public participation is a good thing. You see [that] nine members are needed to oversee a $3.8 million budget,” she said, also citing the seven members who make up the Township of Middletown Sewerage Authority.”

The Township Committee was not exempt, she said.

“Right now you have five people on the Township Committee controlling a $60 million budget. It seems to me you need a consistent policy here. If you’re going to watch one closely, watch them all closely,” Baum said.

I think that anyone reading that would have trouble following my logic. Also, he makes it sound like I’m arguing in favor of the two additional appointees to the Library Board, which I wasn’t. I’m against it given the current political environment, but I admit I may not have stated that outright. I didn’t organize my comments as well as Melanie did, so I can understand if there was confusion.


Legion said...

Maybe I missed the stories about the great crowds of the public who rushed out to the last TC meeting to protest against the "takeover" of the Library by the Township Committee, but I've seen nothing about that in the papers - or even posted here.

Instead, my understanding is that two people spoke against it, one a libraryophile and the other someone determined to find fault with everything the TC does or says - is that right?

Well, certainly the voters in Middletown punished the party who "extorted" Library funds by voting them out at the ballot box in November? Oh wait. LOL

The fact is that "We, the people" approve of the actions the TC is taking on our behalf with regard to the Library. That has been shown by vote and by the fact that no one really came out to voice opposition to adding more members to the Library Board.

The TC will be appointing 5 members on January 1. If I am counting right, that will be a new majority.

I wonder what the Mayor's appointee will be able to accomplish with a majority?

I look forward to more responsible behavior by the Library Board in 2012.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


You have a great capacity for misunderstanding the issue or recreating (making up) the issue or deflecting the issue -- you must have been tutored by Scharfenberger or Nelson or Stokes, possibly Parkinson.

It is not about "the great crowds". Unfortunately, the crowds almost always and only show up for meetings when the agenda involves issues that can be broadly labeled 'not-in-my-back-yard', such as: methadone clinics; a home for battered women and childfren; lake dredging to accomidate a solo swimmer and occasional fisher; affordable housing; sports complexes that are inappopriately designed and designated for neighborhoods versus properties already being widely used for atheletic events, or deemed good choices according to the very expensive Recreation Master Plan. The list is legion and broadly falls under municipal mismangement.

As a quick aside, the only Township Committee meetings where "the great crowds" appear are those that are mostly ceremonial -- awards and the annual reorganization (loyality awards in the form of appointments will flow in early January -- a happy new year for those loyal to the party and disloyal to the people).

The next addition to the mismanagement list may well be Parks and Recreation Director, G. Silva's unilateral decision to creat a civilian memorial monmument on public land at Croydan Hall without having public approval -- open discussion and appropriate documentation -- to do so.

"We the people" approving of the "actionss the TC is taking on our behalf with regard to the Library" is not a "fact" proven by pitfully low turn-out at this township committee meeting. If a crowd showed to voice approval of this vote by the township committe, then your opinion might be better grounded in logic and sensible reasoning and not grounded in the supposed affirmation of something through negation.

You show your insider understanding of the Township Committee's true intended purpose of adding easily controlled new members to creat a majority on the Library Board when you ask: "I wonder what the mayor's appointee will be able to accomplish with a majority?" Increasing the membership on the Library Board is not about the welfare of the library; it is about a Middletown Republican mayor being able to control (pull the strings on newly appointed well trained puppets) for the benefit of the Republican legion in the form of budget dollars, bonding and contracts (pave the parking lot, etc,) for the politically faithful and ethically challenged.

Legion said...

Anon at 2:26

I read those stories - what's your point? They quote the two people I acknowledged who were there to "protest."

Facts are stubborn things, aren't they?

The fact is that the TC was given a clear mandate to continue to act on the behalf of the citizens of Middletown. Cleaning up the Library Board is a part of that mandate.

I wonder who's sweating at the Library right now?

Anonymous said...

The voters who turned out to the polls this year were only a fraction of those registered in MIddletown.
Most voters are unaware of the mounting debt being incurred by our governance which lines the pockets of the GOP leader/Monmouth County bond counsel.
Once that fact is clearly conveyed and no longer a secret to most in Middletown, we can finally move forward and win the power back from the jokers who've kept us hostage long enough.
Thanks Linda for covering this on our behalf and for conveying the truth behind the bogus-ness of those in charge of our beloved town!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Nelson aka Legion,

Are you billing the Township for the time you spend on this blog? Is it part of your job duties? That would mean you are being paid to discredit the other posters on this blog with their own tax dollars. That's reprehensible.

Anonymous said...

The library has become the new taxpayer funded Blockbuster video. Most of the checked out items aren't books anymore but rather dvds, cds and video games. So tell me, why should the Township continue to allow the library to spend taxpayer money subsidizing free video game rentals? Seems to me the current trustees have allowed this to get out of control. Don't believe me? Check out those bill lists mentioned in "Its your Town Hall" and see how much is spent on DVD, games and CD purchases. Your findings will be shocking.

Legion said...

What's that smell? Oh - sour grapes...

The truth is that people can and do come out to meetings when something is important enough. Adding two members to the Library Board is and was not.

The same thing is true of voters - if they want to change the status quo, they come out to vote in droves.

I can't blame the DHB for claiming to believe that everyone would see things their way "if only they knew" what the DHB does. LOL.

Y'all can soothe yourselves that way - it's not YOU - it's those damn uneducated voters, right? ROTFL

But, like I've said, facts are facts, and the TC has a clear mandate and a free hand to continue on the path they are currently on. Even if, by a miracle, the DHB could get their candidates elected for the next two election cycles, it wouldn't be until January 2014 before they could possibly have a 3-2 majority.

I hope the fun continues here for at least that long!

Anonymous said...

You are giving credit to the people in middletown who continuously vote Republican. There are many towns that only vote Democrat...year after year. Unfortunately that only speaks to the uneducated, unilateral, narrowmindedness of lazy voters who vote one way for their entire lives. If Hitler were a Middletown Republican, he would have won this last election. We are a lazy & uninformed society and love to sit on one side of the fence (for reasons we don't really understand) then throw stones at the people on the other side, then call them our enemies. I drove around town and noticed the Fiore signs everywhere and they were on the same houses every year, reguardless who the "R" candidate is. Not quite sure about anon 5:24's comment on us taking out the republican candidate when we discover their mounting debt. Rather than admit we were wrong we would live in our own squalor. For the record, I also believe if the town was ran by Democrats for all this time, we'd be in the same situation. The only way to shake up a dynasty is to rotate parties to keep the other honest.

Anonymous said...

Thank you anon 3:28 PM. In a few paragraphs, you have beautifully summed up the political history of Middletown- at least the history that has repeated itself for the past 20 years that I have lived here.

Anonymous said...

Funny post from Anon Dec 27 6:51am. Can you believe the library provides books, videos & elecronic games for free!? OH NO! what has this world become! Nothing should be free. EVER! That tax money you pay should only provide Bloated schools where the admin makes big money & teachers (Good and bad) have guaranteed jobs, a police dept that allows employees to write their own rules then retire at the ripe age of 55 while collecting pensions, a township parks & rec (dept of 1) who pay for their employee "admin leave" while letting the parks build up with litter and overgrown trees. Why do any of us deserve an arts center with affordable programs, a sports complex or a library that provides a service to the community? I like the earlier reference to Hitler as we'd like to dummy down a society, take away services then strangle any and all creative spirit. Why does anyone give a shi_ about what the library does? BTW, Legion sounds like the "evil genius" who posts things just to piss people off. We should ignore him.

Anonymous said...

I love those knocking the 20 year history of Middletown. Why did you move here if it has been so bad for the last 20 years? Why do you still live here if it is so bad? You are all so full of hog wash. We do not need the tax and spend democrats in Middletown. Just look at any town with Democrat control, most are run into the ground

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon 6:08,

Our local G.O.P. rep's hire full-timers who plan sub-par recreation for our seniors
who I personally happen to believe are deserving of better! Don't you think? Or don't you know....

Programs don't have to be 'tax and spend' deals.
Pride and self-righteousness can be let go of a bit by those IN THE JOBS currently, and look to the towns who have successful models we can be brave and with-it enough to check out, such as Hazlet Business Owners Alliance's history, and the very popular (to most of Middletown's seniors under the age of 90!) Keyport Senior Center.

'Tax and spend Democrats" is a national ideological term, compared to our municipal 'hands on' governance that can be our prime concern here.
Please, let's fix Middletown, and then take time to look on to the presidency. Can we? Anyone agree with me here?

Legion said...

Anon @ 4:16

Thanks for the "genius" comment - I humbly accept.

As for the rest of your post, well, it couldn't be any less factual.

The police department doesn't set the rules about retirement, the State Bureau of Pensions does.

Parks and Rec had over 150 employees during the height of the summer recreation season, and has 30+ right now.

And if you think the Library is free, you must not pay property taxes...

Anonymous said...

Great job 6:08. Rattle off a few other cliche's you've heard on TV. 'If you step on a crack you hurt your mother's back'. Lol...I also don't see anyone saying it's been bad for 20 years. You are putting in words in other's mouths. It is a bad time in Middletown NOW. If you disagree that's because you have a certain 'dumbness' that cannot be explained. Stealing excess library funds is pretty darn low...agree? Being $44 million in debt is pretty bad...agree? Allowing a meth clinic in Applefarm is quite irresponsible, correct? Allowing TOMSA to operate in private is a little creepy......shall I go on? What about laying off the entire parks & recreation and canceling all the youth and adult recreation programs? Good thing there isn't Democrat in office. Things may get bad.

Anonymous said...

It has been corrupt for just about 20 years- anyone who lived near Ray O'Grady and watched the, ahem -"home improvements" could attest to that. Many of us would love to leave but have children in the school system and homes which cannot be sold for enough to recoup our investment. So, we are at least temporarily stuck here, watching our school system and township committee controlled by a cadre of well connected political hacks who confuse apathy with agreement- like our friend Legion.

Anonymous said...

Correction....last comment was meant for Anon 7:06

Anonymous said...

Linda has certainly shed plenty of light on the lack of integrity and ethics as well as gross mismanagement of government in this community.

Middletown is controlled by the thugs of the Republican party. Moral decay is everywhere and permeates everything. Residents, it's all about MONEY and CONTROL.....make no mistakes about that !!!!

This TC cannot manage money and it's been years since they have shown any restraint in spending the taxpayers' money. Incompetence reigns and the people pay!

Nobody attends TC meetings because no one wants to put up with the arrogance and disrespect of the citizens of this town by these carpetbaggers and thugs. It is a WASTE of one's time.

Middletown has it's own MOB.

Anonymous said...

I now firmly believe that "Legion" is someone very close to the Township Committee. "He" showed his hand in the comment that

"The TC will be appointing 5 members on January 1. If I am counting right, that will be a new majority."

The only way one can read this is that the TC has influenced the new Superintendent to not reappoint his delegate, who has served for several years. Great start Mr Superintendent.... I'm sure you'll last a long time since you're going to play ball with the TC right from the beginning.