Sunday, October 30, 2011

Your 5 Minutes Are Up

(click to enlarge)

This is what takes place at a Middletown Township Committee meeting if you're one of the brave who stand in front of the dais to ask a question. Just don't go over the 5 minute time allotment otherwise you'll not get an answer.


Anonymous said...

The arrogance and ignorance are unbelievable.They do not have the courage to answer the questions the people ask because it would clearly lead to the TC members defeat and demise. The only talents these characters have is to avoid, to distort ,to deceive, to bamboozle,trickery,misrepresent,fib and dishonesty.

Every last one of the five elected to the dais and the cunning specimen attempting the practice of law that in this regime sits front and center. You'd conclude it depicts Middletown's mob.

God help us all .

Anonymous said...

LOL, sad but true. Even if you manage to refrain from exceeding that 5 minute rule, more often than not questions are not answered.

Refer to Township Reorganization Meeting, Jan. 2, 2011; Resolution #
11-54 Establishing Standing Rules
(of order for Township meetings)

6. Questions or comments of the public should be directed to the TC. If appropriate, the Chairperson (Mayor) may direct and recognize a staff employee or professional of the Township to respond. The Chair (Mayor)may request that any question asked of the TC or its staff or professionals which, due to its complexity or need for research
or factual investigation cannot be answered immediately, be placed in writing by the inquirer and directed to the appropriate Township official and that an answer be provided to the inquirer as soon as possible.

If the question relates to a topic that due to its complexity is "too hot to handle politically speaking,
good luck getting an answer. Even more frustrating is when you finally do get an answer and its contradictory.