Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's Time To Pick-Up Sticks After Hurricane Irene

I spent the 36 hour long duration of Hurricane Irene at work. Someone needed to be there to monitor our plant in Newark, so myself and 3 others stuck out the storm and kept an eye on things. Luckily no damage occurred to the plant site and I was able to make it home safe and sound Monday morning at about 9am.

While at work I was able to keep up with what was happening around the area and am thankful for the updates that were posted on Middletown Patch, Asbury Park Press and RedBankGreen, as well as the many friends that called to inform me of what was happening, without them I don't think I would have been able to stick it out at work for as long as I did.

I stayed in contact with my wife and kids and was glad to here that our power didn't go out, no trees came down and our basement didn't flood (some seepage did occur but was easily cleaned up) even though many in the area suffered through such loses. I consider myself lucky that my parents and in-laws live very close by, they where able to stop by and check-in on my family while I was gone and I thank them for it.

So now after sleeping most of yesterday away, it's time to get outside and finish the clean-up that my wife and sons started yesterday around the yard. There are plenty of sticks, twigs and small branches that need to pick upped and placed curbside for the emergency brush pick-up scheduled by Middletown for later next week.

Now it's off to work of a different kind, it's time to pick up a few sticks.

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