Friday, August 5, 2011

A game of musical chairs for Middletown schools superintendent position

Around and round they go, where they'll stop nobody knows....

Kevin Penton of the Asbury Park Press pretty much asks that in his column appearing online today, pertaining to the Middletown Board of Education's search for a new schools superintendent.

Since January the district has had three superintendents, Karen Bilboa, Thomas Pagano and currently Pat Houston, with a possibility of a fourth before the end of the current calendar year. Will the Board of Education ever find a qualified and competent person willing to take the job of school superintendent when that person knows that he or she will need to work with a domineering and as some others have suggested, incompetent board?

As some would say "time will tell", but what do you all say?

MIDDLETOWN — If the Board of Education finds a permanent replacement for Karen Bilbao before the end of the year, the township’s school district will have had at least four different superintendents in 2011.

Since Bilbao’s departure in January, two others have taken her position on an interim basis. The latest is Pat Houston, a 37-year veteran of the district who came out of retirement to serve as superintendent through Oct. 31.

Houston, who was hired last month, earns $600 a day but receives no personal or vacation days and no health benefits, said Christopher Parton, the board’s attorney. Houston is eligible for one sick day a month, Parton said.

Houston replaced Thomas Pagano, who resigned on July 7 for health reasons, said Parton, who noted that the board still hopes to hire a superintendent this year.

“The process is ongoing,” he said.


Anonymous said...

This current school board is a joke. The only thing they've done is demoted a good principal.
They should be focusing on the quality of education and sound business practices.
We're being led by a board president who's only agenda is to undo everything Karen Bilboa did.
Vindictiveness is a destructive and dangerous motive. I hope the board sees this and comes to their senses. They need to remember that their actions have consequences which ultimately affects our students.
Why would any qualified person want to work in Middletown knowing what they have to put up with?

Anonymous said...

It is a disturbing situation in Middletown. The fact that Middletown can't find a superintendent is just a symptom of a much larger and more insidious problem. Instead of an empty article stating the obvious the Asbury Park Press should have a reporter interview some of the dozen or so administrators that have left the district since last fall. That would be a story worth reading.

Anonymous said...

Government in Middletown.both on the BOE and the TC is the most disgusting example that this township has ever seen since the "Back to Basic" days of several years ago.
Politics has no place in the education of the youth of this township.Personal vendettas have no place i the education of our youth either.

And the rumored reasons that all of this is occurring is enough to" rot your sicks and make every decent citizen of this community want to PUKE !

The parent organization board at Middletown South has all now resigned effective Oct. 4 also. Good people DO NOT WANT TO PLAY THESE DIRTY GAMES!

Anonymous said...

There has been a revolving door in Middletown schools before this board came on. Karen Bilbao, Jim Stefankawitz and Bill Doering all left and there were lots of administrative changes at schools. To blame these issues on the current board is not fair.

Anonymous said...

THE BAM (Brand,Aveta, Mascone) group elected because of the activities of the then TC are the beginning of the down spiral of education in this community. Not fair to condemn them?

That's the TRUTH of the Matter (maybe it's even part of the reason Brightbill didn't run again).

The voters, who pull levers or push buttons in school elections to satisfy the sick republican agenda in this town....need their a$$es KICKED.big time !! Wake up because it's your kids futures at stake ......thank God mine are long ago grown.

MONEY is the reason for all of this...MONEY and the control of that MONEY!!!

Sick politics and sick puppies.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what MONEY MAGAZINE will have to say about Mddletown.N.J. now ????

Are you happy now Gerard P. Scharfenberger and CO. ????

Anonymous said...

why even hire a superintendent? You have a BOE making personnel decisions and pressuring administrators on the disbursement of funds that were raised by the students and their parents for one school to go to another school. PH is useless. He just does what the BOE tells him to do so cut out the middle man. Boy, ethics violations are ALL over the place with this BOE. It is only a matter of time before the charges are filed. And anyone can file them for free with the NJ School Board Association. PH as superintendent is like Weekend with Bernie but not a comedy.