Written by Jacklyn Corley, Manalapan Patch-
The Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders appointed members to county boards during Thursday’s regular meeting in Freehold.
On the Mental Health Board, Helene Kalkay, of Holmdel, and Sally Pari, of Morganville, were reappointed to three-year terms; David Stout, of Wall, was reappointed to a one-year term; and Ian Nussbaum, of Little Silver, was appointed to a two-year term.
On the Board of Health, June Counterman, of Roosevelt, and Judy Thorpe, of Freehold, were reappointed to three-year terms.
Freeholder Amy Mallet, who has advocated term limits for county boards, voted against Counterman’s reappointment.
“My concern is the consecutive numbers of years served, and in this situation it’s since 1978. Someone can serve for as long as 10, 12 years, but after that I’d like to see more rotation,” Mallet said.
She noted that her vote was not a reflection of Counterman’s work, which she characterized as excellent, but was merely consistent with her position on term limits.
Freehold Lillian Burry said the county’s Board of Health was in dire need of members and has difficulty reaching a quorum to hold meetings. The board currently has a vacancy for a term that ended June 30.
“Here we’re proposing to take a very dedicated, hardworking member and saying ‘Thank you for your service. We’re going to give you the golden handshake, but we don’t need your services anymore.’ And now we’re down another person on the Board of Health. It just defies logic,” Burry said.
All other appointments were approved unanimously.
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I am German. My country is proud to be financially responsible, financially strong. Why does USA borrow so much? Why do you need to borrow each year just to pay your bills? Your borrowing drains the world's economy. The world mocks you.
What does your comment have to do with term limits of people who serve on Monmouth County committees? WHAT???
Pedal your peaches on a more relevant venue will ya !!!
German1225: Although your comment has nothing to do with the article posted, I agree with you, having experienced many similar opinions when traveling.
Having a Pres. like GWB with his cowboy mentality didn't help either.
The coulture in this country is getting lazy, spoiled and self absorbed. It's all about me.
The conservative right is intolerant to anyone who doesn't agree with them. Religious beliefs and politics shouldn't mix, but they are becoming more absorbed and relevant.
We borrowed so much because we are in 2 wars and experience a financial meltdown. Our health care cost are the highest in the world because we have a profit based health care system.
It's all about politics, money and greed.
Not a rosy picture for these United States.
I'm loosing faith in my fellow Americans, who often times act like very ugly Americans.
I have to wonder how many interested parties have applied for a vacant position on the Board only to be shut out due to their political affiliation. That’s all too common in Middletown.
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