Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Subject of Latest Robo-Call From Concerned Citizens Deals With AVAYA and COAH

Earlier today I received yet another robo-call from the group calling themselves Concerned Citizens of Middletown.

The content of this robo- call that was left on my answering machine ~1:30 pm, seems to be geared towards what is going on in Lincroft concerning the redevelopment of the AVAYA sight that will consist of 342 units of high density housing if built.

The timing of this latest robo-call seems to have been planned to correspond with the next Middletown Planning Board meeting scheduled for tomorrow night, where according to the agenda for the meeting, approval of the project may be finalized.

I'm sure that this call (the 5th) will be just as controversial as the others that have gone out in the past by the group Concerned Citizens of Middletown.

Tony Fiore and others associated with the Middletown GOP swear that Concerned Citizens of Middletown is nothing more than the a front name used by the Middletown Democrats to stir up trouble and controversy, which as far as I know, is not the case.

I am sure that one day soon the mystery of who is behind the group will be answered, but until then I'm going to sit back and enjoy the speculation. It's fun to see Fiore and the others squirm a bit and point fingers while trying to explain that the messages being left on answering machines all around town have no merit and shouldn't be paid attention to.

Below is the message that I recorded again off of my answering machine followed by a transcript of the call:

Have you heard? Because The Middletown Township Committee failed to fulfill it's COAH obligations, the Township had to solicit bids to develop housing projects throughout Middletown?

As a result the AVAYA site in Lincroft will become a multi-family housing project that will impact the residents of Lincroft and the Township.

The influx of new residents will have an adverse affect; roads will need to be widened, sewer and water lines will need to be installed and over crowding of local schools will take place, all at a cost to our quality of life.

Paid for by
Concerned Citizens of Middletown.


Anonymous said...

Bottom Line--Elitism is alive in Lincroft. Low income housing--OH NO!! That means cops and teachers might move in to the neighborhood! God forbid the middle class be allowed to own a home. What are you so afraid of? Neighbors that don't earn six figures?

Anonymous said...

No, elitism is alive and well in Middletwon. Had the township planning board lead by Judith Stanley met their COAH obligations over the years instead of taking the attitude "if you can't afford to live in Middletown... move" this rezoning of the Avaya tract would never have taken place.

This township has practiced exclusion with zoning all along and this is the result.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:59 Elitism in Lincroft? That's a laugh.
You obviously don't live there. My neighbors are teachers, firemen, and nurses.
There's plenty of us blue collar middle classers here alive and well. Drive around Lincroft and you will see a combination of very modest homes all the way to luxury. We're a real mixture over here living quite happily together.
It's too funny that the minute Lincroft opposes stupid plans they're labeled elitists by ignorant people like you.
We'll say it again.....loud and clear.....We're not opposed to COAH, we already have plenty.
We're opposed to the HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT which is not in character to the existing neighborhoods.
We have Brookdale college and all the traffic issues that goes along with it. Just trying to save our little village from over development through poor planning.
So please spare us your misinformed, ignorant judgement.

Anonymous said...

Yes. I have worked my a__ off for 30 years. Paid my mortgage every month and pay very high taxes to live among peers who do the same. They take care of their property and try to keep their children involved and out of trouble. This is what I chose to do when I moved here. By the way....I represent the middle class and we are already here in Lincroft. Why can't people who are successful and work hard choose nicer neighborhoods to live in?

Anonymous said...

1:59pm - That is funny I live in Lincroft and my wife is a teacher and 4 middletown police officers live in my neighborhood. Nobody even drives a BMW or even an Audi in the neighborhood. Looks like it already is a middle class town. Every house in Lincroft isn't a million dollars. Houses go for the same prices just like anywhere else in Middletown just check the listings. If I wanted to live off route 35 I would have. Owning a home isn't a right it is a priviliage you work for...

Anonymous said...

When I hear people in Lincroft describe it as "our little village" ... it really makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:58 Well keep on laughing, because Lincroft is a 6 square mile village. I don't know why you think it's so funny. How many so called villages do we have in Middletown? At least 10. Where do you live, Port Monmouth, New Monmouth, River Plaza, Village, Belford, Navesink, Leonardo,Oak Hill, Harmony? To name a few.
Do you have a problem with calling Lincroft a Village? If you do, than that's your problem.

Anonymous said...

We don't need those people in our town. We nned strong republican leadership to keep the trash out.

Anonymous said...

Who has the audacity to call anyone "trash" because of what they earn?

7:47 anonymous,it's people like you who are the TRASH !!!! and some of the thug like conduct of our officials is not commendable either.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:28,

Typical pinko liberal rhetoric. I am sick and tired of these union loving teachers, with all their boo hoo they took my pensions and my healthcare. Grow up, we don't need you or your kind in our community. We work for a living, while you are busy destroying our economy and forcing us out of this state. Why is it politically incorrect to be successful? Why should I apologize for having made some money? I don't need bottom feeders coming in and destroying our town. Enough is enough, crime is sky rocketing. We need more police on the beat and less drug addicts trying to find their way to the methadone clinic. Tea Party wake up, America wake up this is your town too! These sorry excuses for Republicans gotta go.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:29, I think you have completely gone off message.
How did you go from Lincroft and Avaya to Pinko liberals, teachers and unions?
Who said you need to apologize for making a living? Who are you referring to when you say we don't want your kind in the community?
Who said it was politically incorrect to make a living? While I don't disagree with your saying the Republicans have got to go, I'm confused with your message.
The residents are opposing the Avaya development because of the size and density. It has nothing to do with keeping bottom feeders out from destroying our town.
Please don't equate or confuse our fight with your own misconceptions, biases, and issues.

Anonymous said...

10:29 p.m.,
You are a disgrace of a specimen of a human being. To think like you do will ultimately destroy our country where the principles of liberty,equality and justice for all are the foundation of our society.

Many have fought wars and many have died and are still dying for these principles.

Guess you can't buy character and judging from your statements you lack any !

BTW....your unionized police get far more than teachers. Teachers educate the future leaders of this country and they have been made scapegoats long enough.
And BTW,am not a teacher,never was. Earned my living in the business community,worked hard,saved and invested and never expected anything from anybody that I didn't work for and find your attitude contemptible !!!

It's SICK.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:29, what were you drinking and how much when you wrote this drivel ?

Incoherent at best. The last statement is totally out in left field relative to the rest of the post.

Anonymous said...

Pinko? Haven't heard that term used since All in the Family went off the air! Thanks for the laugh Archie!

Anonymous said...

Poster @ 10:29 p.m.,

Looks like you need some mental health help !

Anonymous said...

So …elitism is not alive in Lincroft…. I think it is. Look back a post or two. Who are THOSE people? Who is whining about pensions and benefits? Teachers don’t go into the teaching field for the money or the benefits. Success is not measured by the amount of money you make, it is measured by the QUALITY of work that you do. While the CEO’s and Wall St. keep taking Government handouts from your tax money and grant bonuses to those already making over 6 figures while putting the housing market in the toilet, ask yourself…is that success??? Is that commendable??? Is that the type of people you want living in your town just because they can afford the 3000 square ft. homes that will be built on Bamm Hollow. So dishonesty and greed are good qualities in a neighbor. Who is the real bottom feeder??? Having money doesn’t necessarily mean you are successful or happy. Obviously the previous poster is not really either.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry the government will bail everyone out and continue to give handouts. I think I am going to quit my job and hand over the keys to my Lincroft home to the lender then I can get one of these affordable units at Avaya. Why should I work to live here when I can do it for it nothing. I can then sell bottles of water out of a cooler while people are sitting at the light at 520.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:40 Apparently you think COAH rentals are free. You are completely wrong. Affordable housing is not welfare and is not subsidized by the government.
People making $35K per year could qualify.
Even though I don't support mandating COAH, I do feel it's important to have affordable housing in communities.
I wish people will stop confusing COAH with welfare. It is not a hand out. People would pay their rent or mortgage like everyone else.
As said in previous posts, Lincroft has affordable senior housing, and the houses range from very modest to luxury.
People don't have to be rich to live in Lincroft as some seem to think.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:30 - affordable housing is a handout the tab is picked up by the taxpayers and state. THere are plenty of affordable housing across the state and in Middletown. If I quit my job I wouldn't be on welfare as my family would live off my wife's income so we would qualify for the affordable housing. Why should I work 65 hours a week and commute just over 3 hours a day to live next to high density housing and COAH units.

Anonymous said...

anon, 8:46 You are wrong.
The developer is building the homes and rentals.
In order for him to be profitable, he needs to build X amount so that the affordable units will not affect his profit.That is why this project is high density.
The tenants will be paying their rent and are not subsidize by the government. These people are not on welfare with food stamps. They are simply in the lower income range which includes starting salaries for teachers and many other professions.
Again the residents of Lincroft are not opposing the COAH rentals.
It is the size and density of the development which will have an adverse affect in their community.

Anonymous said...

with COAH you not only pay for more kids, teachers, & programs, you also get to pay to build new schools & additions to accommodate the influx. And you pay for the increased municipal services.

Frances said...

You surely took advantage of the latest advancements with Avaya call recording in this scenario.

Serge said...

What's great about this is that we get to see the benefits which Avaya call recording services could provide not just for companies but even for individuals as well.