Friday, July 1, 2011

Lincroft Resident Carol Fowler To Replace Desevo on Middletown Democratic Ticket

At last nights meeting of the Middletown Democratic Executive Committee, held at the American Legion post 338 in Leonardo, the members of the Executive Committee were introduced to the candidate that Democratic Chairman Joe Caliendo and members of the screening committee had chosen to replace Alex Desevo as a candidate for Middletown Township Committee.

After being introduced by Chairman Caliendo, Lincroft resident Carol Fowler stood before the Executive Committee and spoke a few words about herself and the reasons why she was looking forward to running for Township Committee.

(Carol Fowler, Candidate for Middletown
Township Committee )

Many of the members in the room, myself included, had never met or spoken to Carol Fowler before tonight so we were eager to hear about her background.

Carol Fowler has been a Lincroft resident for over 25 years, graduating from St. Leo's Elementary School and Red Bank Catholic High School. She has been a member of the Lincroft First Aid and Rescue Squad 28 years, serving as an executive officer for 20 years. She earned a B.S degree in Biology /Pre-Med, from the college of St. Elizabeth Convent Station (Morristown). She was a former substitute teacher and Special Ed classroom aid for the Middletown school system back a number of years ago. Currently she works as the Director of the Center for US War Veterans for the National Guard Museum in Sea Girt NJ. She also fills the roll of Assistant Curator of Oral History at the museum,having interviewed over 400 veterans for the museum.

Her son is a 4th generation Volunteer Fireman in Middletown who's father, grandfather and great-grandfather have all served as Middletown Fire Chiefs.

Ms. Fowler stated that she is highly insulted about the way that tax dollars are spent in Middletown and about how so much money has been borrowed through bonding over the years that it will take many many years to pay down the debt. She stated that she would like to see the Township Committee meetings televised and is also highly insulted at being told that the township will not spend any money to televise them after bonding so much money over the years, it's like being hit by a stone wall.

She said that she wants to serve the community and inform the residents of what is really going on in Middletown.

After hearing Carol Fowler speak, the members of the Executive Committee were highly impressed with her. Her service to the community, deep roots in Middletown and the passion with which she spoke, convinced all in the room to give unanimous approval to her candidacy.

So it is now onto November with a full ticket, Jim Grenafege and Carol Fowler will be this years Democratic candidates for Middletown Township Committee.


Anonymous said...

Good luck Carol, you've got my vote.
We need you and Jim to win, and give the residents a voice.

Anonymous said...

Great choice! I look forward to having 2 representatives on the Township committee who will represent and serve the people and not a political party.
It's obvious neither Carol or Jim have their own self serving agenda, and will make a difference in this town. Thank you for stepping up to the plate and for fighting for us.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to the above comments - let's make sure we get the vote out for Carol when it matters.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this has all been a blessing in disguise for Middletown democrats and the township people. Ms. Fowler's bio shows her to be the kind of person that gives to the township as opposed to the current crop of politicians. I'm sure the mud slinging hacks will be out in force - but this time the people are watching VERY closely.

Anonymous said...

Carol may not have a self serving agenda, but Jim sure does!

Anonymous said...

Carol may not have an agenda, but Jim sure does!

Anonymous said...

I'm very pleased with having Carol on the ticket. It's up to all of us to get out there and support Carol & Jim.
This a large town and an uphill battle for the Dem. candidates.
I hope Mr. Caliendo has a more organized game plan, and gets his people working hard to get out the vote. Improve what works and change what doesn't.

MiddletownMike said...

Anon 11:14,

What self-serving agenda does Jim Grenafege have other than wanting honest and open government? That is all he has ever asked for.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Carol for having the courage and conviction to try and make a difference in this town.
The contrast between you and your opponents couldn't be more striking.
Fiore has shown arrogance and disdain for the people he is supposed to represent and certainly has no problem with lying to us as well.
His running mate Mrs. Murray, seems quite ambitious in making a name for herself. I don't know where she finds the time with her obvious passion for writing racy and eroctic novels under a pen name.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:14: I'd like to hear what Jim's self serving agenda is.
If fighting for open and transparent government is self serving, than I'm all for it.
If challenging the TC's incompetence and blatant waste of tax payer's money is self serving, then he has my vote.
He's smarter than all the rest of them up there, and has the passion and courage to fight and stand up to them.

Anonymous said...

Having known Carol for many years I can say that her only motivation is to serve the people of Middletown well. She has shown this through her many years of distinguished volunteer service to the town.

A new voice is desperately needed on the tc and she will speak out for the best interest for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Steph Murray writes racy novels? How come that's not in her bio?

MiddletownMike said...

Maybe she hasn't finished writing her story.

Disgusted and Unafiliated said...

Ms. Murray appears to be just another one of Peter's Punks.

Thank you,Carol, for taking on the endeavor of trying to serve the people in this township who really need a voice....everyone one of us except the "card holding" republicans.
The voice of the people has been ignored for TOO LONG !

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with her writing pornographic novels. This is America and we are the land of the free and we have the right to do what we want. If my republicans want to align themselves with pornography and methadone clinics they have every right to do so.

Anonymous said...

This is the era of the new republican party. A hipper, Cooler version for of sex and drugs. What s wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

That is plain stupid. We have to get these guys out of office. These money hungry left leaning republicans are corrupting our party. The tea party better get some skin in the game. We need God fearing, law abiding candidates. I expect this from the dems not my party. Leave the porno in NYC where it belongs. And leave the drug addicts there too.

Anonymous said...

Peter carton I have lost all respect for you. Field real candidates! I put up with the carpet Bagger last time around but. He does not know anything about Middletown and still won....... But a smutt writer?? Are you kidding me? You are screwing up the party.
First the methadone clinic now this.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....This is interesting. We have a Republican candidate who writes porno under a pen name?
I guess I don't have a problem with the writing, but I do with the fact she obviously doesn't want anyone to know.
I'm really surprised that Carton would be OK with this. But then again the Republicans feel they can win with anyone. He still runs this town.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised to see the posts here that say Stephanie Murray is an author of pornographic material. What exactly is it? A novel? Magazine article? Screenplay for a movie? What? I'd like to know if this a rumor or is it a fact. Does anyone know the details?

Anonymous said...

Steph Murray writes paranormal, fictional romance novels under a pen name. She has an on line publishing house. Just ask her.

LincroftDogGirl said...

I was curious, so I googled her publishing company, Crescent Moon Press. It looks like she specializes in the genre of paranormal, fantasy and history.I don't see how that's related to pornography in any way. Being a publisher of fantasy novels makes someone a pornographer? Come on now, grown up!

I'm pretty disgusted that the commenters on this blog would stoop so low as to post libelous remarks about a candidate.

And no, I'm not a Republican. I'm a Democrat who gets sick of reading some of the immature comments on this blog. You people should learn to play nice.

Not Fooled said...

Just read the local republican blog and all the slander leveled by the republicans ,especially a Lincroft dirt throwing dirt bag and do a reality check. Are you kidding us DOGGIRL". You are no Democrat and you are not innocent.

The lies and defamation are the only way the republicans have stayed in power in this town and it's worse in recent years than ever. The public swallows the dung they put out there !

Anonymous said...

Looks like the republicans can't stand a dose of their own medicine.

O.K. to fire the first shots though with all the diatribe,huh ?

Lincroft Dog Girl said...

Hey - Not Fooled:

I don't know who the hell you think you are to tell me what political affiliation I am. I'm a registered Democrat and have been since I turned 18. And if you're suggesting I'm one of the people from Lincroft who slings dirt at the Committee and the Mayor on this blog over the years, then you're wrong about that, too. I've posted on here only a few other times and it wasn't to sling dirt at anyone. I agree with almost all the sentiments aired here, but I think accusing someone of being a pornographer is pushing the envelope. Geez, it's amazing how if anyone DARES to question someone or ask for confirmation of a rumor or even slightly disagree with something posted on this blog, you get your panties in a twist (pornographic enough for you?).

I've never visited any of the Republican blogs, mostly because I like Middletown Mike's blog. However, the one thing I hate about his blog is how some of the commenters go so far over the top with vitriol toward other people. Tone it down, people. Porn? That's just an unnecessarily nasty accusation. You say the Republican blogs are flinging s**t at us Democrats? Well then, try taking the high road with your comments.

Lincroft Dog Girl said...

And oh yeah: I AM an innocent - about Stephanie Murray's porn, that is. The comments here were the first time I had ever read anything like that. I should have googled her publishing company first, which is where I eventually got the answer to the question I posted on this blog. Fantasy and paranormal novels are not what I enjoy reading, but they certainly aren't PORN.
Wow - now I've been accused of being both an innocent (LOL) and a Republican. I guess I'll think better of ever asking a question on this blog again.

Anonymous said...

It's not what she writes about that I have a problem with, it's the fact that she writes under a pseudonym.
I have a problem with a candidate not disclosing this.
Shouldn't the public know who the candidates are before they decide to vote?
It's the same as Scharfenberger not disclosing his new job before the election.
That's dishonest and not NICE!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lincroft Dog Girl,

Whoever took "racy" and turned it into "porn' was clearly a republican so take issue with them !

Dirty politics has turned into a blood sport in Middletown and no one seems to enjoy it more than the current TC and their cronies,especially the resident now known as the "Three Faces of Eve" who lives in Lincroft and spouts venom against anyone and everyone who disagrees with her , under pseudo names too numerous to count. Can't wait until her vicious tongue puts her in a courtroom and it will in time. Just "needs enough rope to hang herself".

If anyone confused you with her,it's quite possible with your chosen alias and your "play nice" comments. Sound just like her !

MiddletownMike said...

Lincroft Dog Girl,

I have heard from a number of residents in Lincroft that Stephanie Murray writes erotic and racy paranormal romance novels under a pen name for her publishing company Crescent Moon Press.

Calling what she writes "pornography" may be a stretch by others, but I would like to know what her pen name is and read what she has published.

So far no one is willing to tell me her pseudonym but what I have been able to deduce thus far is that it's Cassandra Cain.

The bio information listed for Ms. Cain on the Crescent Moon website is eerily similar to that of Stephanie Murray.

Is it an issue that she writes such novels? probably not, but she should be open about it and not try to hide the fact.

Anonymous said...

This blog is hilarious! You have the repubs bashing the dems and vice versa! I don't know anything about this Steph Murray but I find it funny that the dems are demonizing her "porn" writing and someone else says repubs are bringing in porno and drugs (methadone clinic) when DeSevo was doing drugs and partying with prostitutes! It's no wonder people don't bother to vote, when there doesn't seem to be anyone worthy to fight for us middle-class citizens.

Lincroft Dog Girl said...

Anon 12:27 - A lot of authors use pseudonyms, look at Stephen King/Richard Bachman.

Anon 1:40 - I grew up in Lincroft and I love dogs, hence the name. By now, my co-workers who read this blog will probably have already guessed my identity. Yeah, and I'm not such an innocent when it comes to recognizing who I've been confused with. Trust me, I'm NOTHING like BT (unless she loves dogs - LOL).

On that note, I'm gonna go back in my box now. I think I'll just READ Mike's blog from now on. :)

Happy 4th, everybody!

Lincroft Dog Girl said...

Mike -

Yup, could be, could be. I think I'll just stick to reading Bill Bryson and listening to Selected Shorts on my iPod.

Anonymous said...

"Vicious" dog on the loose in Lincroft again !!!

Anonymous said...

Lincroftdoggirl, Steven King is not running for office here, so who cares if he writes under a pseudonym?
You seemed quite insulted and outraged for being accused of someone you're not, and then say you're not BT. Well who's BT?
One minute you're claiming you've hardly posted here, and now you're pointing fingers at someone you think you know.
Your feigned innocence is not credible.

Lincroft Dog Girl said...

Anon 7:31 (and 2:45 too) -

I've been sitting here reading and re-reading what you wrote and trying to form the words that will properly articulate my reaction to your post. But ya know what? It just isn't worth it. You have confirmed my decision not to post here anymore. Mike, you've done a good job on this blog, but some of your commenters are downright nasty. It's easy to hide behind an "Anonymous" tag, and yes, I'm doing it too, with my "Dog Girl" name, but now I truly understand and agree with John Ward's decision to link the comments on his Red Bank Green site with Facebook identities. Anonymous posting? It sometimes gets too negative and personal for me to stomach. See y'all later...

P.S. I regret mentioning "BT" in my post. I thought, apparently wrongly, that I was being light-hearted (I did say LOL after all) about someone who I've seen mentioned in posts from Mike's blog right through to the APP comments. I realize now I had no right to joke about that person. I was trying to make an inside joke, but you people have made it quite clear that I'm not in your group. Another reason not to post in blogs - once you hit enter, you can't take it back.

MiddletownMike said...

Dog girl,

Don't take comments from others to hearr, many who post here are passionate about what goes on in town and this forum is one of the only places that they feel they can express themselves.

If I knew who some of the more negative posters were I would ban them, but it is better to have dialog that exposes them for what they are, which is generally ignorant and blind to what goes on
around them.

There are a few others that feel they must defend me and what I post. I appreciate them and their passion even though they sometimes go over the top.

Keep reading and keep posting, don't let others chase you away.

Lincroft Dog Girl said...


Thank you for your kind words. Keep up the good work. Your blog is good - I'll keep reading it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, those y'alls and LOLs and sniping at BT
just confirmed what some of the previous posters supected- any regular reader can't help but be royally (or should I say "majestically") offended by such obviousness .At least give the readers a challenge! I do think Three Faces of Eve may not apply anymore- perhaps Sybil would be more on point?

Anonymous said...

I perused her site and saw a Cassandra Cade and some excepts from her books. Most of it was so unintelligible it brought to mind Gore Vidal's famous quote about Jackie Susann- "She doesn't write, she types" And Jackie Susann's writing was Shakesperean compared to Madame
Cade's. Ms Murray states writing this pablum is her first love - I say let's make sure she has LOTS of time to improve her craft.

But there was one sentence in her book which is predictive of yet another Republican win in Middletown -

"More doom and fear about to befall our utopia"

Anonymous said...

Middletown IS NO UTOPIA hence we should all realize the importance of Carol's candidacy !