O'Scanlon is the sponsor of a bill that repeals the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act and the Public Works Contractor Registration Act, a move that essentially ends prevailing wage standards. That's an assault not only on union members, but on non-union construction workers and others in the building trades who rely on fair wage protections as a guarantee that they will be paid at a rate commensurate with their work.
Just this month, O'Scanlon and Handlin introduced a bill that makes New Jersey a “Right to Work” state. Although the legislation was pronounced dead on arrival, I am disappointed that my opponents are pursuing such a radical agenda. Right to work really means right to be fired. Passage of Handlin and O'Scanlon's legislation will result in lower wages and have a negative impact on workers safety and health.
My opponents are not only on the wrong side of working families, but quite literally, they are writing the laws that will set back the clock one hundred years and remove the protections that helped build our middle class.
It is important that New Jerseyans, especially those residing in the Thirteenth Legislative District, understand that the current debate extends far beyond public employee pensions. Elected officials should do everything in their power to protect taxpayers. While in office, I did just that. However, Garden State workers -- both union and non-union -- deserve to know that Handlin and O'Scanlon seek to undermine the very provisions that have allowed countless families to enter the middle class. I want no part in that, and if I am fortunate enough to be elected to the Assembly, I will be a champion of working families.
Kevin M. Lavan
Democratic Candidate
13th Legislative District
New Jersey needs to become a Right-to-Work state. No one should be forced to join a union as a condition of employment.
A job applicant should realize what they are applying for. If the majority of employees believe they should be working in a union shop, then it should be a union shop. ALL employees working in that shop receive the benefits that are bargained for. The idea of Right-To-Work legislation is to reduce the amount of benefits and salary the employer has to pay out. How can there be equality within the same job if one employee is receiving union wages and the other employee is being paid half that because theyu are not in the union? Oh yea, Right-To-Work means the employer gives the employee the right to work and reserves the right to pay taht employee a living wage.
Are you for real and just what do you know about unions anyway before you spout off again about anything ?
It is not always necessary to join a union as a condition of employment. In some situations it is only necessary to pay the required dues because everyone in that workplace benefits from the influence of union membership.The contributions that are for political activities are refundable
by law if you request them.
The proposal to make N.J. a Right to Work state is dead in the water. Was dead before Amy Handlin and Declan O'Scanlon proposed that legislation which will fail miserably in this state.
Unions protect the rights of members and assure an avenue of appeal when those rights are violated. Unions also assure fair wage treatment and do not ever think most times that condition is not very important. Protects workers from the whims of those who do not recognize the rights of their subordinates or employees.
Well said Kevin. Unions represent all workers regardless of party. Unions ensure there is a standard of living for the working middle class, ensure that safety is maintained on the job, ensure that all workers are certified and trained in their respective trade so quality of work can be provided. Most importantly, unions ensure all workers are documented. And, being documented means the worker is paying taxes within the system not working around the system. Without this representation you not know who you are getting or the quality of work that would be provided.
Well said Kevin. Unions represent all workers regardless of party. Unions ensure there is a standard of living for the working middle class, ensure that safety is maintained on the job, ensure that all workers are certified and trained in their respective trade so quality of work can be provided. Most importantly, unions ensure all workers are documented. And, being documented means the worker is paying taxes within the system not working around the system. Without this representation you not know who you are getting or the quality of work that would be provided.
My reply was to Kelly not to Kevin.Clearly understand Kevin's and your stance and support both of you.Having been Secretary-Treasuret of a CWA local during my working career,am well acquainted with the importance of unions in the workplace.
It is refreshing to hear you speak out again on behalf of the people of this area. Your voice ha been missed and it is needed very much.
Many of the families now living in Middletown could not have afforded to purchase their nice homes in the suburbs were it not for the good education and headstart given to them in life by hard working union parents. Let us not forget where many of us came from, and that there are many others behind us who are waiting for their chance to achieve the American dream.
Kevin, make yourself familiar with the American Legislative Exchange Council, if you haven't already. Terry Gross devoted a "Fresh Air" segment to it lately, and you can find other stories in national media by searching “American Legislative Exchange Council” in Google News or any other news search engine.
I suggest this because O'Scanlon's right-to-work bill was clearly written by ALEC, a D.C.-based organization that brings together conservatives and corporations to write business-friendly bills that are then introduced in state legislatures.
Good luck!
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