Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gov. Christie’s Chopper Ride

Lawrence O'Donnell, on last nights episode of The Last Word blasted Governor Christie for using a New Jersey State Police helicopter to take him to his son's high school baseball game then back down to the governor's mansion to meet with GOP recruiter's from Iowa that tried to persuade he to enter the 2012 Presidential sweepstakes.

Watch the video:

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Anonymous said...

The defense of Chris Christy is that he is "on the job" 24/7. If that is the case then where was he on Dec 26, 2010 (big winter storm in case you forget.)IOKIYAR

Anonymous said...

(1) This was certainly a silly move by Christie and he shouldn't have taken the ride ... especially in such a public way.
(2) It is amazing to me how every "opponent" is going on the attack after this and that it is getting high level national attention. It really shows that, like it or not, Christie is perceived as a major political force! Why else, then, would a national media be trying to knock him down a step.
(3) Cracks me up how (& I have always said this) there is a double standard in political commentary (on BOTH sides of the aisle) as we all see things though our own political "lense" (& I do this, too). An example of this is the last anon poster (10.:36 AM) who is bringing up the "big winter storm". This person would never criticize our President for being away when the giant tornado hit.

Summary: Silly move by Christie and he should not have used the State Police Helicopter in this situation ... but the fact that the (national) media is making a bigger deal out of this than they should ... proves Christie is seen as a GOP force to be reckoned with (why else would everyone be so eager to try to go after him?). The NJEA must be frothing at the mouth!


MiddletownMike said...


To a certain extent I agree with you. It was stupid for.Christie to take that helicopter ride. But I think the reason behind the media's attention to this isn't so much because of Christie's growing GOP status as much as it is about his.policies.

If you are going to talk the talk you better be ready to back it up by walking the walk. You can't tell others to tighten the belt if you aren't willing to make.sacrifices yourself.

I think the criticism is valid.,

Anonymous said...

Obama was not on vacation during his recent trip to Ireland and Europe,
where as Christie was on vacation in Disney World. I don't begrudge Christie for taking a vacation which happened to be in the middle of a major storm but comparing that to Obama's trip is inane.
As for the helicopter episode, it was stupid and he's paying for the expense. No one should be defending him and he's not even defending himself. Now can we move on to more important issues?

Anonymous said...

Mike, I agree with you. Christie has made a lot of noise about changing the system because we can't afford business as usual.
This helicopter ride is business as usual and makes him look like a hypocrite. He was wrong, he knows it and he's paying for it.