Friday, June 3, 2011

After Helicopter Ride Christie Targets Medicaid Recipients

Filling in for Ed Shultz on last night's "Ed Show" was the Reverend Al Sharpton. I am not a big fan of Reverend Al and I'm even less of a fan after seeing him fill in for Ed Shultz as Shultz finishes his suspension from MSNBC for calling right-wing talk show host Laura Ingram a "slut".

Sharpton's often seemed like he was reading from a script and his delivery seemed forced and stiff. It was a little difficult to watch but I watched because I was interested to see the story that was going to be presented about Governor Christie and the aftermath of his taking a helicopter to his son's baseball game.

The segment itself really dealt with two issues, the aftermath of Christie's helicopter ride and his reimbursing the State for the cost of the ride from Montvale to Princeton and the governor's proposal to end Medicaid for a family of 3 making more than $5,300 a year and Individuals making more than $3,000 a year and now receive states Medicaid coverage will lose it entirely.

This is something that I had not heard before and I think it is deplorable and inhumane to even consider such an option. Sharpton had in studio NJ State Senator Joe Vitale and a NJ resident Deborah Shupenko, who will be losing her medicaid coverage under Christie's plan, to discuss how reprehensible this would be if it goes into effect.

Watch the video, it's really unbelievable and totally unconscionable.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The image on that video of Christie boarding the helicopter will go down with the Dukakis goofy helmet photo as the governor's defining moment. He could pay for the ride ten times over, but it will never erase the image this leaves in the public's mind.