Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One Man's Plan To Destroy Street Gangs

I received this letter from Red Bank resident Eric Hafner, which lays out a 5 point plan to eradicate street gangs from not only our beloved state of New Jersey but also the country. While I believe that gangs are a growing problem and agree with some of what he wrote, much of it is pie-in-the-sky dreaming and rant that would never be considered by politicians or those in law enforcement.

Dear Editor,

Finally, New Jersey residents are beginning to wake up and realize the fact that gang members are not simply troubled youth in need of an after school basketball program, they are domestic terrorists in every sense of the word and pose a major threat to public safety.

I have a viable five-point plan that would destroy every street gang (as well as most other criminal organizations) in New Jersey within a month, that needs to be implemented. Otherwise, the gang epidemic in our state will simply continue to grow.

My plan is as follows:

1) Criminalize Street Gang Membership. Currently it is perfectly legal under New Jersey law to belong to a gang. I believe that street gang membership in itself should be a serious crime with sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

2) Arrest Gang Members. Once gang membership has been made illegal, bring law enforcement agents in from all over the country to help arrest every known gang member in the state. In order to make room for gang members in our jails and prisons, non-violent offenders could be released early on probation/parole. This crackdown would critically disrupt gang operations. The cost of this operation would be offset by the assets that would be seized from gang members under civil forfeiture laws.

3) Legalize Drugs. At the same time that gang membership is criminalized, end the failed war on drugs which is responsible for creating today's street gangs in the same way that alcohol prohibition created gangsters like Al Capone. Marijuana should be made completely legal and hard drugs (such as heroin and cocaine)should be rovided to addicts free of charge at clinics. This would put drug dealers out of business, stop more people from getting addicted to drugs and make it so that addicts would no longer need to commit crimes to fund their addictions. The clinics would also serve as a great tool to bring addicts into treatment programs.

4) Bring back the 2nd Amendment. End New Jersey's blatantly unconstitutional gun laws and allow anyone who is not a dangerous criminal or mentally ill to possess firearms without restriction. It's insane that a teenage thug has no problem buying a gun illegally on the street, but yet a responsible law-abiding adult like Brian Aitken gets thrown into jail for simply possessing a firearm. When law-abiding citizens pack heat, criminals get burned.

5) Legalize Prostitution and Expand Legal Gambling. By implementing a Nevada-style system of legalized prostitution in specific regions (such as Atlantic City) and by expanding legal gambling there would be no other "vice" industries for gangs to turn to.

If you agree that our state's current approach to dealing with gangs isn't working, please contact your Assemblyperson or State Senator and ask them to support my plan. In-person visits are always best, but letters and e-mails are also very effective.

Eric Hafner
Red Bank


Anonymous said...

The crazy is strong in this one! What does he want, remove constitutional rights or enforce them?

Eric Hafner said...

I'm not quite sure what document you're reading but the Constitution does not in any way shield street gangs, violent criminal organizations which exist only to commit felonies. However the Constitution does protect firearm ownership, in the exact same way that it protects free speech.

Anonymous said...

Article one of the bill of rights states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

What part of peaceably assemble do you not understand?

Eric Hafner said...

Since when do Street gangs, "peacefully assemble"?

Anonymous said...

A poorly formed argument, and further evidence of a misunderstanding of political economy.

I'm happy to legalize all suggestions on the table. After limiting these activities, then what? The motivation many have for joining gangs is due to desperate economic conditions. Both parties have worsened economic conditions in working class areas, and the wild eyed adherents of the tea party would only further the deterioration. Other activities would replace those listed.

For example, gang members would have to move into the area of abortion to make money, if Eric's tea party got into power. After abortion, a list of other activities would easily be compiled.

More widespread crimes are committed by corporations than guys in gang colors. Should we round up individuals in boardrooms as well? We don't. Know why? The biggest problem for gangs is that it's harder for them to purchase politicians. So we suffer more from the widespread influence of the Koch brothers, rather than the bloods or crips.

The article is mostly a waste of time, written most likely by another all knowing keyboard commando, but kudos to Mike for having a tolerant publishing policy.

Anonymous said...

Since when did the constitution mention "street gangs"?

Do you honestly believe members of a gang are conspiring to commit crimes 24-7? Get a grip on your paranoia.

Who is allowed to define what a street gang is? What is your proposed legal definition of a street gang?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Middletown Mike, and his plan to destroy gang culture. These people have to be taken down at all cost. There are far to many innocent and victimized people hurt and killed by these thugs. Gangs have no constitutional rights they forfit that by their ilegal activies. Also when the constitution was written they did not have a violent gang problem. If you are against this sound advice then you are part of the problem one way or another. If you oppose what is just then you are unjust. The law is made to punish the wicked, and violent gangs are very very wicked indeed.

Anonymous said...

Don't make Gang membership illegal. Classify gang related violence and crimes "Terrorism" as it does terrorize.Gang shootings would drop if gang leaders and ranking members ended up in Guantanamo -P.U.CDR