Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Middletown Library To Celebrate It's 1 Millionth Borrower

It was announced last night at the Middletown Township Monthly Committee meeting that the Main Branch of the Middletown Library on New Monmouth Ave., will celebrated it's 1 millionth borrower sometime Wednesday (tomorrow).

The announcement was first mentioned by Committeewoman Pam Brightbill during her committee comments and then was further addressed by Middletown Library Director Susan O'Neil.

What makes this even more impressive is that according to Director O'Neil Middletown is the only the second municipal library in the State, East Brunswick being the first, to reach this milestone.

A small celebration is planned for this event when the lucky 1 millionth borrower is identified early Wednesday afternoon Committewoman Brightbill said.

So if you would like to have a chance to be the 1 millionth library borrower or celebrate the milestone, be sure to show up at the Middletown Library Wednesday.

Below is the video of Director O'Neil announcing the plan.

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