Wednesday, December 1, 2010

55 Years Ago Today Rosa Parks Refused To Give Up Her Seat

55 years ago today down in Montgomery Alabama, Rosa Louise Parks, a 42 year old department store seamstress refused to listen to a bus driver that ordered her to give up her seat on the bus in order make room for a white passenger.

Her action sparked the legendary Montgomery bus boycott of 1955 and marked the true beginnings of the civil rights movement. It was a turning point in the history of this country and race relations and it should always be remembered.

a good place to learn more about Rosa Parks and the early civil rights movement is the Scholastic webpage that is dedicated to her life and the struggles of the civil rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's.


Unknown said...

I can't imagine the courage it took for Ms. Parks to take the stand that she did.

She is a true American hero, and I absolutely agree that her act of defiance should be remembered forever.

It's too bad that more people today don't exhibit the same quality of character she showed then.

Sunny Nash said...

I agree that Rosa Park's role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott is a significant event to remember. One way to remember Rosa Parks is through the portrayal of her in the 2002 film, "The Rosa Parks Story," starring Angela Bassett. Those involved in the project were sensitive about the story and the people, making them real people instead of mere characters on a screen.