Here is the first offical post that makes it up onto the blog after my return. It is a letter from Barbara Thorpe who asked the question "what planet do they live on? ", which references a letter written by Tristan Nelsen, the failed former running mate of Gerry Scharfenberger, from his last re-election bid.
It should be pointed out that Tristan owes much to the local GOP establishment, she sits on many boards and commissions in Middletown and is herself part of the problem. Anyone that can justify an increase of 45% to the local municipal tax rate over the past 5 years, must be living on another planet, that goes for Ms. Nelsen as well as all the other supporters of the Middletown GOP, who burry their heads in the sand and refuse to see the truth:
I read with a sense of disgust the repeated letters supporting the mayor of Middletown by his party's faithful cronies. The most recent one from the failed candidate who ran with Scharfenberger three years ago. Can't imagine what planet she has inhabited in recent years because there is no denying the mismanagement of this township. The near forty five percent increase in the municipal tax levy in the last five years tells the whole story. No denying those figures way at all.
The repeated lies and deception that this man engages in is beyond comprehension except it is explained by this man's obsessive desire for re-election. He will do or say anything to achieve that goal. To hell with the people paying the bills in this township. He could not care less. He cannot be trusted to serve the people of Middletown. Far too engrossed in party politics !
It will take legislative action to ever remove supporting the schools from the property tax bill in New Jersey and to find a secure funding for the most important job the citizens of this community and this state have to do... the education of our youth. To think otherwise is delusional and selfish. It is incomprehensible to try and understand just when Mr.Scharfenberger thinks he could ever accomplish such a change in school funding without some extensive legal support for that kind of a change. But I guess I just forget that this man has never shown any regard for the rights of the people or respect for what is and is not legal. He never has had any reservation about what or who he tramples on to serve his own agenda.
COAH is the law in New Jersey. It has recently been reaffirmed and this state has been given five months to get back on track providing affordable housing. Only Sunday the Asbury Park Press printed an article regarding this very information There may be changes to COAH but it is not going away. Again this mayor is blowing in the wind !! Get real for a change !
The disregard for the residents of this community can be seen in the proposals for turf fields in locations nobody wants and at a time when we cannot afford them. Just grandstanding in hope of deceiving the people about his motives.He needs something to try and look good for re-election. Fix the problems of the flooding in the Bayshore that have been neglected for more than twenty years. The sneaky, underhanded actions and the neglect that has surrounded those efforts tells it all !
Try an honest effort to contain expenses and make the hard decisions to reduce the workforce,reduce bond expenses,and institute the necessary measures to properly plan municipal financial obligations. Can't blame all the problems here on someone else so stop trying . Whatever plans this mayor claimed he had have never materialized . He never had any plan and the result is the exorbitant municipal tax increase this year.
Middletown will be a better community to live in when this man is gone from government here.
Barbara R. Thorpe
Middletown, NJ
Ms. Thorpe has once again proven she knows more than the majority sitting on the TC. I doubt very much that Ms. Nelson even wrote this letter as it doesn't even sound like her. More likely some Republican writer trying to spin his/her own fairy tales. Deceive and deflect is the name of the game. The public is aware and is not buying it. The Republican majority can not evade their onus in the mess they've made in Middletown for the last 5 years under Scharfenberger. He's the problem.
Anonymous 4:47Pm is totally correct.
I also get the feeling that the numerous letters written by the mayor to The Independent singing the praises of Chris Christie are no more than future attachments to his resume when he comes calling on the Trenton blowhard for employment.
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