Sunday, October 17, 2010

Friends of Amit Will Hold Rally In Freehold To Demand Justice On Oct. 20th

Press release;


10 Weeks Later, Still No Answer from Sherriff’s Office:Victim’s Family to Hold Rally&PressConference

By Friends of Amit

FREEHOLD, NJ - On July 29, 2010, Amit Bornstein, age 22 of Marlboro was arrested at his home by Monmouth County Sheriff’s Officers on a bench warrant for failing to appear in Court for minor misdemeanor and traffic infractions. Seven hours later Correction Officers dropped Amit’s dead body at CentraState Hospital. Little is known about what happened while in custody, as surveillance tapes were seized by the Prosecutor’s Office and have not been released. Two months after Amit’s death, Sherriff Shaun Golden has yet to make any statement about the incident; now the Bornstein family is demanding accountability for the death of their son.

According to investigators at least eight (8) Correction Officers were involved in the incident. Though the CO’s initially claimed Mr. Bornstein “tossed them around like dolls,” autopsy photos show that Amit was shackled and beaten to death after asking to make a phone call home. Amit’s family and neighbors are demanding the release of the county jail video and audio tapes, and a fair and full investigation into his death, with appropriate disciplinary and criminal charges filed against his killers.

In response to the silence from the Sherriff’s office, a press conference and rally is being organized for Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at 1:30 pm in Freehold Borough to demand scrutiny of officer misconduct, human rights violations and to demonstrate concerns over the mismanagement of the jail by Monmouth County’s Sherriff’s Office. The family is also asking witnesses to come forward with any helpful information.

-- We are asking for concerned people and organizations to rally with us against officer brutality and for the protection of human rights --
*** Come to the rally!! Buses will be providing transportation for folks throughout the city (Manhattan and Brooklyn) - e-mail for pickup locations! ***

*** send email to to sign a petition for the release of surveillance video ***

-- If we all ask at once, the Sheriff's Office will hear our demand to release the surveillance video from the jail, and for a full and fair investigation of Amit's case. --

This rally is also endorsed by the October 22 Coalition and Jews for Racial and Economic Justice.

Note: This is expected to be a big event 200-300 are estimated to be attending. This is a protest supported by the Bornstein family over the failure of the Monmouth County Medical Examiner to release its report on the death of Amit Bornstien 70+ days after his death.

I find this news disturbing, I have a number of good friends that are Monmouth County Correctional Officers, I have not spoken to any of them about this case. I hope and pray that they are not involved in any way with this cover-up.

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