Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Douglas Herbert Will Fight For Small Business In 11th Congressional Distrcit

Press Release

Morristown) - Speaking outside of a closed storefront in downtown Morristown, Douglas Herbert addressed the urgent need to help struggling small businesses in New Jersey's Eleventh District. Doug said, "Small businesses are the engine of our economic growth. They account for 75 percent of new job creation... Nothing should be more non-partisan than helping small businesses grow and putting Americans back to work."

Referring to Rodney Frelinghuysen's recent vote against the 'Small Business Lending Fund Act,' Doug emphasized, "Rodney talks about how he supports small business and how he wants to help put people back to work. However, when he has a chance to act, a chance to actually help small business, Rodney Frelinghuysen votes against their interests."

"Now is not a time to play politics with people's lives. I would have voted to allow small businesses to rehire and reinvest. By putting money in the hands of those who will use it, we can and will create an economic recovery one dollar at a time."

In order to help small businesses gain access to the resources necessary to grow, Doug proposed three approaches:

(1) I will fight to provide payroll tax credits for small business that hire and rehire Americans currently unemployed. Many small business owners that I have spoken to have told me that they would put this credit back into their business and into hiring new employees.

(2) I will fight to expand government guaranteed loan programs and credit lines to small businesses. As a small-business owner myself, I know that access to capital is a primary concern for many small business owners now. We cannot sit back and allow small businesses to suffocate while Congressmen like Frelinghuysen approve billions of dollars in big bank bailouts. Bills like the one last week are crucial to ensuring business can survive this recession.

(3) Lastly, it is time that we have a Congressman in the Eleventh District who will support innovation and high-tech job creation. Through investments in research and a tax credit so that businesses can innovate, I will work to bring new, high-tech jobs to the Eleventh District. I will not accept the status-quo; there are real steps we can take to create new high-paying and secure jobs here.

Closing his comments, Doug said, "Small-businesses drive our economy, and I will make sure that their interests and the Eleventh District's interests are represented in Congress."

To read Doug's full statement

Douglas Herbert is a veteran of the 82nd Airborne and he currently resides in Chatham, NJ. He is running against the eight-term incumbent Rodney Frelinghuysen.

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