Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Middletown Budget Update - Hearing Before LFB Cancelled

Here's a little budget update of my own, it seems that Middletown's scheduled hearing in front of the Local Finance Board today has been cancelled.

Middletown was to appear in front LFB this morning to present it's proposed 2010 Municipal Budget in order to seek a waiver that would allow the Township to exceed the State mandated 4% cap on spending.

As we all know by now, the proposed Township budget includes a 13.87% tax increase over last years so the meeting was important because the Township had plans to adopt the budget on August 16th, after amending it to comply with whatever decision the LFB made to bring the proposed tax increase in line with the 4% spending cap.

According to the LFB website all of today's tax levy waiver hearings have been cancelled with no word as of yet to be of a date to reschedule.

So it now seems possible that Middletown's budget will not be adopted until sometime in September, 9 months late and less than 2 months until the November elections, when the tax increase will still be fresh in residents minds, making them more likely to hold Gerry Scharfenberger and his GOP buddies on the Township Committee accountable.

You can read more about it here if you like


Anonymous said...

Remember we must have a certified tax rate in order to process the delayed tax bills.

The November tax payment is due Nov.1 and must be rendered by Nov.10.

We shall see,won't we ??

The SPIN begins!!!

Anonymous said...

Middletown will be a much better place to live without Gerard Scharfenberger in local government.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Gerry to delay a 14% tax increase. Or perhaps his freind Chris Christie is telling him to cut it out