Thursday, August 5, 2010

Commentary: Let's Be Honest

By Tom Wiley

For to long NJ Officials from both parties have borrowed, bonded and stole from taxpayers. Whether it's the Transportation Trust Fund or the Pension fund neither party tells the truth; That they are to blame. Case in point:

1) Pensions, yes, it is underfunded but, why? The public employees have been making their payments every payday and in fact during the Whitman years they paid even more into yet, Yet, The Governor is blaming the public workers and trying to punish them by not giving what they have earned.

2) Transportation Trust Fund: It to is broke, Why ?? Past Governors bonded against future revenues and now bills are due, the State gas tax will only go to pay the debt. This is insanity and not honest. The gas tax is a permanent funding source yet, the State screwed it up by bonding future revenues that went where???

3) Unemployment fund: See above... same story different fund.

When you are elected you are supposed to represent the people of NJ and not your party or your next election. Our Governor now is punishing public employees and blaming them for NJ financial mess with privatization and layoffs? Be honest, who will benefit from Privatization? Republican lawyers who donated to the party or past officials like GOP congressman Zimmer? Be honest, If the Government of NJ was honest we would still be in financial trouble because it is a recession but, it wouldn't be as bad as it is, if the People who sit under the gold dome practiced integrity and honesty for the people of NJ, not their own self interests.

Basically, honor and truth is what's wrong with Trenton. The system is not be perfect but, at least the people of this state would have some honesty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said Mike.