Friday, July 2, 2010

It's Your Town Newsletter Volumn 2, Issue 13, 6/21/10: The Regularly Scheduled Meeting

As everyone now knows there were two scheduled Township Committee meetings on the night of June 21, 2010. The first meeting held was at 7pm and was for the introduction of the proposed Middletown Municipal budget. The second meeting that night was the regularly scheduled business meeting for the month.

You can read the latest newsletter >>>Here

The Committee passed a new recycling ordinance, ordinance 2010-3006, which now will require residents to separate corrugated cardboard and chip board (cereal boxes and the like).

There are links within the news letter that will jump readers to the referenced resolution or
ordinance. At the end of each is an underlined word which will jump you back to where you were. For the bill list, the link back is the page number, which can be found in the top right corner of the page.

This newsletter is rather extensive and all of the resolution and ordinances can be referenced
on the Township website, in the Clerk's Corner.

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