As a resident of Middletown for 24 years, I have enjoyed the roles of wife, mother, and successful business woman. For the last ten years, I have worked to improve our community, serving as a PTA volunteer and board member and, until recently, as a director on the board of the Lincroft Village Green Association.
I was content to continue this service but my recent exposure to Township officials changed my mind. The Township’s ill-planned approach to building turf fields opened my eyes to the serious shortcomings of our local government. This experience and the extreme challenges facing our State and Township convinced me to get more involved. As a result, I have decided to pursue, a seat on the Middletown Township Committee.
Participating in recent town meetings, I became disillusioned with the lack of transparency, poor planning and misplaced priorities that waste our precious resources and tax dollars. Despite a $5,000,000 budget deficit in 2010, our Township Committee has yet to hold a budget meeting and has already missed five months of potential budget savings. This is unacceptable. Twenty-nine years of single party rule has produced inefficiency and waste.
This Township needs a common sense, apolitical approach to governing. I have no personal agenda other than a determination to serve my fellow residents. My aim is to protect our quality of life and will strive to improve it. I welcome your energy, input and shared commitment to work with me in achieving this goal.
Mary E. Mahoney
Democratic Candidate for Middletown Township Committee
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