Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How Many Emails Did Middletown Receive When It Requested Resident Input Into Defeated School Budget? Not Close To 700 That Scharfenberger Stated

Well it seems that Middletown's sorry excuse for a Mayor, Gerry Scharfenberger, has been caught yet again in a gross exaggeration of facts, which leads to the impression that the additional $500K over and above the previously agreed to $1.6M worth of budget cuts that the Board of Education presented to the Middeltown Township Committee back on May 3rd and May 6th was politically motivated.

This latest example comes from the many emails that were sent to the township's website, after Sharfenberger came up with the brilliant idea to fore go an open public meeting to discuss further budget cuts that should be made to the Middletown school budget which was defeated on April 20th.

Scharfenberger stated at the May 17th Township Committee meeting and was quoted by all of the local newspapers that cover Middletown, that some 700 emails were sent to him via the suggestion portal that was set up on the township website for residents to voice their opinion on what items should or should not be cut from the school budget. Three days later a press release was posted on the township website stating that thanks to the residents for their input and that only 600 emails were gathered. Now after obtaining a copy of all those emails from the Township, I come to find out that the really number of emails sent in by residents was 501.

That's a pretty big difference if you ask me, more so if you consider that many of the emails seem to be duplicates or have nothing whatsoever to do with suggestions on how to trim the defeated school budget, like spam and self indulgent compliments on defeating the budget. After looking through them, it really looks as if only 300 or so could be considered as legitimate.

Which leaves the question of exactly how many residents sent suggestions to the portal? Were only 50, 100 or 501 residents responsible for sending them all of those emails? We'll never know for sure because only a small percentage of residents decided to sign their names to them, which was after all their prerogative, considering that the Township suggested that comments be left anonymously.

For anyone interested in reading all those emails themselves you can do so by clicking >>> Here

Note: For those that thought that their comments and suggestions would be kept confidential I am sorry to inform you otherwise, your comments are part of the public record for all to see whether you supported further school budget cuts or requested that the budget should stand as was at the time of the April 20th vote. Anyone could submit an OPRA request and receive the same information that I have.


Disgusted Resident said...

Isn't it a sad affair when the residents of this community cannot expect honesty and integrity from those they elect to govern them ?

It's long past time for change in this town. It has often been said you get what you vote you deserve what you get !!

Do the people of this community want liars and ethically challenged individuals serving ? Certainly appears that's what we have currently,doesn't it ??

Where is common sense and common decency??

Figures don't lie but liars figure and there is nothing to be proud about that has taken place in Middletown during the regime of this mayor and his cronies that comprise the majority on the township committee who all seem devoid of any redeeming qualities.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the emails to council. I found my comment. I feel some slight empowerment that my comments on the budget got through.

Anonymous said...

Send a comment suggesting the mayor and committee leave the BOE budget to the professionals in this town since the committee has shown no expertise in handling their own budget.

You guessed dd not appear.

Same old,same old tactics from this mayor who proves every day he cannot be trusted.

What a political HACK!

Anonymous said...

I sent a comment to the Mayor that he add $1.00 to the budget cuts, but he didn't listen to me. The BOE already did an amazing job based on the extremely difficult situation they were in. People do not understand what they already accomplished.
I also suggested to the Mayor that he get his own finances in order.