Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Joe Kyrillos "Not Smart Enough" To Figure it Out

During last week's Middletown Board Of Education public forum on how the Christie budget cuts will effect the upcoming school budget, Governor Christies' personal confidant, buddy and Middeltown resident NJ State Senator Joe Kyrillos, made a rather striking comment when answering a question.

" ...That's right, the kids are paying a price, the taxpayer is paying a price, society is paying the price...Now is the time for smart people to be really smart and creative as possible and i say that freely admitting that I am not sure I'm smart enough to figure out how to pull it all together..."

So Christie freely admitted during his campaign that he "doesn't do math" and now his good friend and confidant Middletown's very own Joe Kyrillos admits that he "isn't smart enough" to figure out how to deal with all the budget cuts the governor is proposing.

That's great... good job guys.

Listen here

Here's how the Asbury Park Press summed up the Middeltown forum last week.

And here's a personal shout out to Jason Springer over at Blue Jersey for picking up on this after I gave him the heads up yesterday.

Thanks Jason, you guys at Blue Jersey do a great job... keep up the good work!

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