Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cody Vs. Brightbill; What Did Pam Have to Say About Trezza Field While Defending Herself ?

Here is the last audio clip that I have from March 15th Township Committee meeting that deals with the Pop Warner Chargers, Sonic and Trezza Field.

In this audio Clip you can hear Lincroft resident and Chargers supporter Jim Cody confront Committeewoman Pam Brightbill about what she had told those in attendance of a Pop Warner fundraiser in 2008 about upgrades that would be made to Trezza Field, the home of the Chargers.

Committeewoman Brightbill in trying to defend herself against accusations of improprieties and false statements becomes frustrated, at one point she threatens to have someone removed from the courtroom while her voice raises to a shrill.

The exchange between Cody and Brightbill was an act of classic showmanship on Cody's part. It showed that when the heat is on, most of those on the Committee can't take it.


Anonymous said...

Someone in the audience was combating with her. She lost her cool. The man at the podium (Cody)was correct and he was a complete gentleman the entire time. She lost it and was rude to a man in the audience. I was there. She lied to the kids and now is trying to back out. The next gentleman up had a heavy accent and put her in her place. Play that section please!

MiddletownMike said...

I don't have that section isolated because it was very hard to understand him.

He has been to the last few meetings and his heavy italian accent makes it very difficult to understand what he is saying, especially since he was very animated and excited.

If I can get a decent clip of it I'll try and post.

Anonymous said...

How can you tell when a politician is lying?
Her lips are moving.

Anonymous said...

this is crying for a "play her out, keyboard cat" remix

Anonymous said...

i heard the pam brightbill clip and it was the most awesome thing i ever heard. amazing. i laughed until i cried. mostly, with my mouth open. best thing i ever heard online. wow, dude.

you have brought blogging to a new place. i admire what you are doing with it. keep going brother.