A new website has just been launched by the Blue Monmouth Political Action Committee.
The website Dump Sean Kean in 2011, was launched in reponse to the Kean's patronizing, offensive and insulting speech that he gave on floor of the NJ Senate on January 7th 2010, explaining why he was going to vote against the Freedom of Religion and Equality in Civil Marriage Act, denying thousands of his constituents from GLBT community their basic civil rights in the 11th Legislative district.
According to the website:
"We are looking for individuals to help us organize various districts in towns throughout the 11th District. We will also be reaching out to and organizing GLBT voters in the 11th District so they are aware of Sean Kean's vote against equality. Can you help us in any of these towns? During the next several months, we will be organizing lit drops, newspaper advertisements, phonebanks etc. Please e-mail info@dumpseankean.com "
Let Sean Kean know that you are unhappy with him by supporting the Blue Monmouth Political Action Committee in their efforts to unseat him!!
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