Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Day Hangover Remedies

Here is a reposting of a blog entry from last year that is timely and appropriate if you are planning to party hardy tonight while ringing in the New Year.

If you are going to party it up tonight in celebration of the New Year, then you will more than likely be in need of a good hangover remedy.

Most hangover remedies are hit and miss and not based on any facts or science, generally they do not work. I have always found that drinking plenty of water is the best cure for hangovers because the alcohol that is consumed dehydrates your body which leads to the hangover.

But if you find yourself in dire needs of a hangover cure in the morning then maybe one of the suggestions in the following video may help ( just keep the volume down as to not worsen any headache that you may have):

According to Terry Condon of NYC's Gallagher's Steak House, there are at least 5 things you can do to help 'fix' a hangover


Aimlesswriter said...

I know I'm late to the party here but if you want a good hangover cure drink pedialyte. (Not sure if I spelled that right) The stuff they give to kids. It rehydrates you and replaces your electrolytes. Poof! Instant handover cure.
I was actually here looking for one of your other posts.

MiddletownMike said...

Gator-Aid works well also.

What post were you looking for? maybe I can help direct you to it. said...

But During the Party We don't mention How Much Alcohol use. So we need extra Point to Secure from Hangover. Do you have Any other Solution from hangover Remedies.