Friday, November 20, 2009

Christie Tells Local Officials to Expect Pain

Does this mean that Middletown's Gerry Scharfenberger and his fellow Republicans will now stop blaming Trenton Democrats for their own failures and tax increases in Middletown and now point their finger at one of their own in the future? Some how I doubt it.

N.J. Governor-elect Christie tells local officials to expect 'a continued period of pain'

Gov.-elect Chris Christie sent a strong message to an audience of municipal politicians and workers gathered at the luncheon at the annual League of Municipalities convention in Atlantic City today: Stop thinking about yourselves, or you'll will be voted out. (Video by Brian Donohue / The Star-Ledger)


Aimlesswriter said...

So all his campaign promises are down the drain because he now knows what the budget looks like? Shouldn't he have looked at that before blowing smoke up our ***es? As for his running mate? She used the sheriff's office, beating out good law inforcement people who really wanted the job, as a political stepping stone for her own ego. These two are going to make a real mess of this state. They came in with blinders on and now blame it on what they didn't bother to know.
okay, vent over! lol
Keyport's recount is Tuesday.

MiddletownMike said...

The next few months sure will be interesting.

Anonymous said...

They are taking a page out of Obama's & Nat Dem party book ... when they just keep Blaming Bush for everything.

To Aimless Writer ... have you ever met Kim or heard her speak? You can disagree with her positions ... but I hardly see her as ego driven. I understand your desire to vent. Give them some time ... just like I gave Corzine some time & am giving Obama time.