Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bob Brown,Democratic Assembly Candidate for Distrct 13, To Appear on Radio 970 AM David Webb Show

This morning Nov. 1st, Democratic District 13 Assembly Candidate Bob Brown, will make an appearance on the "Grinder" David Webb radio program 970 Am " The Apple of New York".

Bob Brown will be calling into the program between the hour of 11:48 to 11:53 am to discuss the Bob Brown & Jim Grenafege Economic Plan for the 13th Legislative District and New Jersey.

David Webb is a Conservative Republican and nationally syndicated radio host who first met Bob Brown while appearing on the Fox News program the "Strategy Room" and has endorsed his candidacy for the NJ State Assembly.

Bob Brown has also been endorsed by the Star-Ledger's Paul Mulshine, NJ 101.5 Morning Host Jim Gearhart, the NJ AFL-CIO and the Professional Firefighters Association of New Jersey (PFANJ).

Tune in to hear what he has to say.


Anonymous said...

Why would Bob Brown want the endorsement of a conservative republican, just wondering?

MiddletownMike said...

To show that he can appeal to the otherside.

If you are going to defeat Handlin and Thompson then you need to take votes away from their base.

Anonymous said...

?? So he is really conservative or is he liberal and just willing to say he is conservative republican for the votes?? I don't get what your saying?

MiddletownMike said...

Why is it so important to be Conservative or Liberal? Is this the only way that we now discribe politicians?

Can a person be Moderate, fiscally conservative but socially moderate or liberal?

Bob Brown, to me is a "Blue Dog" Democrat

Anonymous said...

Actually Mike you were the one who described the media endorsers as conservative, a term which generally doesn't just refer to fiscal issues but to social issues as well. We want to remember the social issues,too,as we go to the polls. Can you infer then that the endorsers were also in agreement with Brown's social values and views?

MiddletownMike said...

To be honest,

I don't know what their social values are so for me to infer otherwise would be wrong of me.

Particularly when others who know Paul Mulshine or Jim Gearhart better than I, would know the difference.

I think Mulshine, Gearhart and Webb, heard what Bob Brown hard to offer and like what he had to say.

When people (myself included) vote strickly on the basis of whether someone is conservative or liberal, it is a bad thing. You should vote for the person based on whether or not the most closely reflect your values.

If fiscal conservativeness is your main value then so be it. That doesn't mean that you are against a woman's right of choice or health care reform.