Friday, October 30, 2009

Trick-or-Treating at the White House

ABC News' Sunlen Miller reports:

DC area children: get your costumes ready.

On Saturday, the President and the First Lady will host a Halloween party at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave for 2,000 lucky children from D.C., Maryland and Virginia. Specific schools were chosen by the White House and the Department of Education to be guests of the First family at their first Halloween bash.

School children and their families will be able to trick-or-treat at the front door of the White House at the North Portico.

The health-conscious First Lady will be providing healthy treats as well as some good old fashioned candy.

In the evening there will be a Halloween reception for military families and children of White House and Residence Staff hosted by the President, First Lady, Vice President, and Dr. Biden.

The President and the First Lady are not expected to come in costume, but it’s anyone’s guess what costumes first tweens Malia and Sasha will wear.

“You need security clearance for that,” First Lady Michelle Obama joked about her daughters' “top secret” costumes.

-Sunlen Miller

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