Monday, October 26, 2009

Letter: Don't Fall For Same Old Dirty Tricks From Middeltown GOP

The voters in Monmouth County and in Middletown must make a very important decision to make on Nov.3,2009. Do they want representation or do they want domination. Do they want a part puppet or a proven representative of the people. Do they want someone who can think for themselves or do they want someonw who marches to a party chairman's drumbeat. Do they want someone who wins because they were party to character assassination as a tool to achieve that win .

The residents of Middletown were exposed to the gutter politics of the Middletown Republican Party last year and another dose of it has begun again....more of the low life attacks on opposing candidates this year. Don't fall for it again !!! Patrick Short and Sean Byrnes are honorable and decent men of integrity.They desreve election to the offices they seek. They are proven winners !

Before any voter succumbs to the vicious,unreliable ploys to undermine either of these candidates,consider the source of these vicious attacks. The tactics originate from a party devoid of clear positions on the issues that are important to every citizen of this municipality and this county. The Middletown Republicans are bankrupt of ideas and will resort anything to win,regardless of how low they have to stoop to achieve that win.We,the voters have seen plenty of this in the recent past!!

Think before you,the voters, of this town and this county pull that lever or touch that screen to VOTE. Do you want to be represented or do you want to be dominated?? The choice is clear...Patrick Short for Middletown Committeeman and Sean Byrnes for Monmouth County Freeholder.

Barbara R. Thorpe

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