Friday, October 23, 2009

In Middletown Look Towards Patrick Short For Integrity, Ingenuity, Responsibility and Commitment

This is a tough year in Monmouth County for any democrat to get elected. In Middletown, Patrick Short is seeking his second term on the Township Committee and he is taking nothing for granted and for the 9 weeks or more he has been out knocking on doors or standing on street corners conveying his message to voter in Middletown.

So when a residents make an effort to contact the local Middletown Dems through their website, in order to express support and a few words of encouragement it is a big deal and that is exactly what has been happening with more regularity over the past number of weeks.

One such contact came yesterday and I was asked to share it with everyone through the blog. What this message shows is that residents throughout Middletown are tired of the same old tired, no idea and laziness that they have been seeing from the local Republican party that has controlled this town for over 20 years! :

I am a lifelong Republican and a 12 year resident of Middletown (Lincroft). I am compelled to offer Pat Short my support this year in light of his record and the need for reform in Middletown.

I am looking to Pat for the integrity, ingenuity, responsibility and commitment to public service that seems to be lacking in our local candidates.

Call on me if I can assist in your campaign to take back Middletown.

Good Luck, Pat! Beat Navy!

J. Czizik

Anyone who wishes to contact the Middletown Democrats and express their support for Patrick or how they feel about anything that effects our town can do so just as J. Czizik has been able, by going to their website and leaving a comment.

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