Thursday, September 24, 2009

Video: Grenafege For Assembly

State Assembly Candidate for 13th Legislative District, Democrat James Grenafege, released a new campaign video today.

Grenafege, a Middletowntown resident, is running to unseat Republican Amy Handlin from her cushy assembly seat in Trenton.

The video contains a brief biographical profile on Mr. Grenafege and details some of the issues that he feels are important to residents in the 13th district as well as the State.

Job Creation, Leadership, Ethics and the Environment are just a few of the issues that Jim Grenafege cares about.

To find out more about James Grenafege and where he stands on the issues, vist the candidates website


Anonymous said...

I have a legitimate question … that I would like to see every candidate answer … seriously:
“Why are you a Democrat / Republican?”

I am not asking you to answer this for Grenafege ... but would like to know what Jim's honest answer would be?

MiddletownMike said...

I have a legitimate question … that I would like to see every candidate answer … seriously:
“Why are you a Democrat / Republican?”

That is a good question and thank you for not asking me to answer it.

But allow me to say this, I have know Jim Grenafege for a few years now and he really cares about people. All you need to do is read his Bio to understand that.

I would suggest that you log onto his website @ and post the question through the website's "contact us" feature. I know that he and his runningmate would respond.

Anonymous said...

I did check out his website and I think I will ask that question.

I have to say that campaigns are really starting to annoy me. It is all about “talking points”, platitudes, and saying things that sound good but don’t have any substance.

I wish there was an incentive for more people to get involved in government. The way the “system” is now, I can understand why most people do not want to run for an elected position. Unless you have disposable income … or disposable time … or are willing subject yourself and your family to the political bloodsport that is politics … or can “make a living” off of politics … I can not see how you would be able to run for an elected position. In my mind, this is the unfortunate reason why we don’t have the young and/or “everyday-common people” more involved.

This was just a rambling, by the way, and was not directed at any candidate or party. Thanks for giving me a venue.