Friday, September 4, 2009

Letter: Rush Holt listens to constituents

I attended Rep. Rush Holt's public meeting in Middletown last week and want to thank him for holding it and for listening to his constituents. By responding only to written questions, submitted in advance, he diminished the effectiveness of those whose goal was to disrupt the meeting. It was evident that those who were making the most noise were the most ill-informed or misinformed of those in attendance.

In answering questions, Holt displayed his thorough understanding of the health care issues and of the bills as they now stand. People in Holt's 12th congressional district are fortunate to have him representing them. He is one of the most intelligent, hard-working members of the House. That becomes evident when watching some other members of Congress on television.

I don't agree with him on every issue. He considers a public option essential, but would not say whether he would vote for a bill that did not include it.

The bill isn't reform if it doesn't include a strong public option.

After the meeting, Holt stayed and took more questions. He never lost his patience, even as an angry constituent pushed his way to the front of the crowd and shouted at him.

William C. Stevenson


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