Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Middletown Budget Meeting Tonight: 9.2% Tax Increase To Be Voted On

Tonight there will be a public hearing on the 2009 Township Budget. This meeting will be held down at Town Hall, in the Court room and will start at 8:00 pm . 

The Committee will vote on a 9.2% tax increase in the budget. I encourage everyone to attend this meeting and see how your government works.

There are better ways to preparing a budget for a town the size of Middletown besides the method currently being used. The majority feels that they, themselves, are the most qualified even though they do not have the credentials to qualify as a budget committee. 

The GOP rely on department heads and appointees to provide them with a dollar amount that they will need to operate, instead of providing a figure for them to work with. The majority does not insist on the department heads to justify their requests. 

Democrat Sean Byrnes, has proposed several times to form a finance committee over the course of the past year. This has been met with much resistance, to say the least, all you have to do is listen to the audio from Monday night's committee meeting to hear for yourself.

The town has already appropriated or spent 50% of this year's budget that will be voted on tonight, how will it be possible to close the $2.4 million shortfall that exists inin this budget without such a large tax increase?

This is evident of the total lack of planning and mismanagement that can not continue if Middletown is to get its' fiscal matters in check. 

This meeting should not last more than an hour, there are no excuses for not attending  to make you voices heard.

This is Your Money

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