Friday, January 9, 2009

$500k To Help Business, Environmental Research in New Jersey

Press Release

Grants Will Help Spur Manufacturing, Study of Oceans and Shores.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) today announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC) has awarded more than $500,000 to the New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NJMEP) and the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium. The NJMEP grant will help state-based manufacturers increase their productivity and the Marine Sciences grant will help support New Jersey Sea Grant Program.

“New Jersey is home to some of the country’s most innovative research facilities,” Sen. Lautenberg said. “With these funds, we can help increase productivity and innovation, even in these tough economic times.”

“The loss of manufacturing jobs in this country has been a major detriment to our economy, which is why support for the New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program is so important. Helping to grow and bolster our manufacturing sector in New Jersey helps create jobs and spurs economic activity in our state,” said U.S. Senator Robert Menendez. “The Marine Sciences Grant will continue to support coastal management by putting research to practical use. This grant ultimately benefits future generations of New Jerseyans by preserving our natural resources as well as growing the economy of our coast communities.”

The two grants are as follows:

NJMEP: $139,965 to keep providing of services to manufacturers to aid them in growth, productivity and efficiency.

Marine Sciences Grant: $403,797 for New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium for their New Jersey Sea Grant program. The Sea Grant is a comprehensive research, outreach and education program that helps us better understand the oceans and costal zones, and how to use the resources they provide us.

Since September 2008, Senators Lautenberg and Menendez have announced more than $1.5 million in federal funding to help support New Jersey’s businesses.

Lautenberg Press Office (202) 224-3224

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