Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is Newark Mayor Cory Booker Corrupt?

Is it a crime to be the Mayor of Newark and if so does that make Cory Booker corrupt?'s Editor, James W. Pindell seems to be eluding to just that. 

In a column posted yesterday by Mr. Pindell titled The most corrupt political office in America: Illinois Governor, he tries to explain the history of corruption that has plagued the governorship of Illinois. If current Gov. Rod Blagojevich goes to jail for trying to sell Barack Obama's vacant senate seat, then he will be the fourth Governor of Illinois to have been convicted of a crime and sent to jail in the past forty years. 

However, in trying to explain the history of corruption in Illinois, Pindell adds this throw-away line: 

"But this is political story that goes beyond just Blagojevich. Along with the position of Newark, New Jersey mayor the seat of Illinois Governor may be the most corrupt office in America."

In the past, I know that a few of Newark's mayors have been somewhat ethically challenged ( James, Gibson, Imperiale...), but to add this line just to emphasize or compare Newark's Mayors to Illinois's Governors is grossly unfair to Cory Booker, who by all accounts, is doing a fantastic job straightening out the problems in Newark.

I would also like to point out that Mr. Booker, as the current occupant of the Newark Mayor's office has had no hint of scandal or corruption. 

I think that Mr. Pindell, in the future should be a little more careful with his throw-away lines. one (or two,or three) bad apples don't spoil the whole bushel.    

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