Monday, September 8, 2008

UPDATE: Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC)

I received the following comment to my blog post about Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) last night and I thought that I I should share it with you.

"Thank you Mike for keeping this story going. Every man woman and child needs to know about this devastating breast cancer.
Sadly, in the first video my daughter Kristine (Tina) lost her battle on August 29, 2007. In the second video Deena lost her battle just 4 months before Tina. They are our angels now, watching to make sure we keep spreading the word, there is a breast cancer without a lump, and mammograms rarely see it."

Patti Bradfield, President
The Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation

I am deeply sorry for your loss.
The good Lord had a purpose for your daughter, so you can feel comfort in knowing that her death was not in vain, because of her and Deena many more are now aware of this deadly disease.
Several women close to me have either passed away due to breast cancer or have been diagnosed and are living with it so if there is anything else that I can do to make others aware of IBC please let me know and I will pas it along.

All the best

If you haven't seen the Video's about thus deadly disease yet please see my earlier blog post on the subject of IBC


MiddletownMike said...

Thank you again for your response.

I have tried repeatedly to send another comment (as have others) but if you
are not a blogger, or even if you are, it doesn't want to take it for some reason.

I am sorry for your losses Mike, so very sorry. You are helping by putting information
out there.

Could you add our website so people could gain more knowledge, and know what is happening
in the world of IBC research and advocacy? Sure would help.

All the best


MiddletownMike said...

I wanted to thank you for your kind words and to let you know that if people are having a hard time posting comments to the blog, have them send their comments to this email address and I will post them.

As I said in my other response, breast cancer is an indiscriminate killer and until recently myself and other family members had never heard of IBC. That is why I posted the information on my blog.

All the best to you and your family and I will post a link on my blog to your website.

Mike Morris

MiddletownMike said...

thank you Mike, this means a lot.
For every voice trying to yell in the wind, when people like you hear, it's all worth it.