Monday, August 11, 2008

McCain can't be sure veterans will fall in behind him

The Disabled American Veterans's convention was held this weekend in Las Vegas and John McCain, who attended the gathering was greeted with a luke warm reponse, the LA Times reported this weekend.

The Disabled American Veterans said that in 2006, he voted for only one of the five spending bills the group considered most important -- 20%. The four he opposed would have increased funding for veterans' services and benefits.

Barack Obama on the other hand did not attend the convention, but addressed the convention with a video presentation, was rated at 80%  by the group. 

Many of the vets do not consider McCain's military service to be key campaign issues. Their chief concerns, like most of us are the ailing economy and high gas prices.

To read the article about the Disabled American Veterans convention from the LA Times click on the headline

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