Friday, July 25, 2008

Obama Forces Flip-Flops to Paralyze McCain

The Huffington post's Michael Carmichael had a great piece the other day that was posted on Yahoo, about how Barack Obama has been able in recent weeks to force President Bush into a series of flib-flops that has left the McCain camp virtually paralyzed.

"or many months, Obama called for a timetable for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and direct negotiations with the governments of the Axis of Evil and other nations with which the US government has disagreements.
For just as many months, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John McCain, Condoleezza Rice and their ideological guru, John Bolton, argued -- strenuously and vociferously -- against Obama's timetable for withdrawal from Iraq and his "naïve" proposal for negotiations the neocons described as talks with terrorists and states that sponsor terrorism

Click on the headline to read the Michael Carmichael's opinion from Yahoo

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