Tuesday, July 22, 2008

McCain not natural-born citizen

I fell it necessary to respond to the recent post over at MoreMonouthMusings that questions Barack Obama's qualifications to be the next President of the United States.
Mr. Gallagher found some obscure Israeli blog that states that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery and that Obama is not a natural born citizen,which would then make his run for the White House unconstitutional. 

This is clearly nothing more than a right wing smear attempt to try and draw attention away from the question about John McCain's own constitutional question of being qualified to be President.

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone prior to the 1937 law granting citizenship to children of U.S. parents in the Panama Canal Zone. A lawsuit challenging McCain's qualifications is pending in a federal court in Concord, N.H.

This has been reported in many respected national newspapers like the Washington Post,
not some right wing obscure blog from Israel.

Art, before taking out the garbage make sure you have checkout what's been left behind in the kitchen first.   

Click on the headline to see my own obscure blog reference about McCain's natural born status


Barry Goldwater said...

The McCain thing is old news, and was addressed and dismissed in 2000during McCain's run then. The NYT has even written about it as a non-starter.

The problem with the Obama story, is he refuses to provide his birth certificate. All the "obscure right wing blogs" would just disappear if he performed the simple act of releasing his birth certificate.

His apparant refusal simple lends credence to the rumors. Were his parents married? Was he really born in Hawaii? If they were not, and he wasn't, and was born in oh, say, Kenya, he is a Kenyan, not an natrual born U.S. citizen.

So, where's the birth certificate?

ambrosiajr said...

I'm new to your blog, but I like it already.
Keep up the good work and please keep dispelling the smears.

MiddletownMike said...

arry, Barry, Barry

You are just as bad with your right wing conspiracies theories about Obama as the left wing 9/11 Kooks are about the government being responsible the controlled carnage of that day.
Get over it.
As for McCain, the only reason it is not a larger issue is because no one in the Congress is willing to address the issue. It is legitimate