An appeals court on Monday voided an affordable housing swap that would have resulted in Galloway Township sending Bridgeton $2.135 million for about 60 home rehabilitation projects.
The regional contribution agreement, or RCA, had been approved by the state's Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) in October 2006 after both towns had agreed to an amended version of the swap, which was initially agreed upon at the same dollar amount in spring 2005.
The Fair Share Housing Center, a nonprofit organization opposed the deal on the grounds it did not meet state requirements.
Will this ruling have any inpact on Middletown in the near future, we will just have to wait and see, but more than likely not.
Middletown is the States #1 abuser of RCA's and theTownship Committee has already been put on notice that they will not be able to further use RCA's as a away to meet their COAH obligations.
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