Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"State budget cuts aid to all but three towns", can Middletown now pass it's budget?

It is being reported on today that all but three of New Jersey's 566 cities and towns will see their state aid shrink under the state's new $32.9 billion budget and not one of the three lucky towns is Middletown.

This is unfortunate for the residents of Middletown because it will contribute to the tax increase in this years budget. This news however was not unexpected, it finally means that the Republican majority that control the Township Committee can finalize and adopt the operating budget that is now 6 months over due.

The Republican majority kept holding out hope for state aid that they had been told would never come, now whatever budget savings were in place are almost certainly gone due to all of the temporary budget appropriations that where needed to keep the town running.

Click on the headline to read the story.

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