Friday, June 27, 2008

Anheuser-Busch Rejects InBEV Hostile Offer

I recieved the following e-mail today from

Dear Friends of,


That's right - we have done it. Because all of our voices have been heard, AB has told InBev "thanks but no thanks!" and the tens of thousands of you who signed the on-line petition have raised our voices to stop the sale. AB's Board of Directors is rejecting the InBev offer!!

But our fight is far from over. You can bet that InBev will be back with more Euros to try to take our American company.

It is time to re-double our efforts. So, what can you do?

Our goal over the next 3 days is to get 25,000 new people to sign the petition . We will be delivering the petitions to AB and others during the week of July 4th.

But we need your to help reach this goal. Please forward this email to a freind or family member and ask them to sign petition.

Also, please mark your calendar for the July 5th Freedom Fest - at 1 pm in the shadow of Busch Stadium at Al Hrabosky's Ballpark Saloon.

Also, please sign up to be a volunteer at

Most of all, keep on talking up that America is not for sale and AB is not going Belgian.

Yours in arms,

The men and women of

This is turning out to be an uphill fight for Anhueser-Busch, a fight that they may not be able to win.

Anheuser-Busch is expected to announce an extensive reorganization aimed at building profits that will include cutting more than $500 million in costs.
The savings will come from reducing marketing expenses and possibly shedding assets like its Busch Gardens theme park business and its packaging unit.

Sign the petition at and lend your support

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